I would love to see how this came out!


Watch the Birdy!
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Jul 8, 2005
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Victoria, BC
Can others edit my Photos
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I spent the last three days at one of the premiere local resorts shooting a Wounded Warriors Canada Tribute event (more on that later). During one of my rare breaks, I wandered out onto the back patio above one of the golf courses and noticed a local youth golf team who had just finished their tournament being photographed by their team photographer.

It was a beautiful day with absolutely beautiful locations; everything from bright sun to soft shade within a 100' and absolutely gorgeous views all around. The photographer took the first candidate, and moved him all around the bright sun, tried a few exposures looked, at them, and clearly wasn't happy (Not the absence of any supplementary lighting) and then pulled the guy into the full shade. He must have switched to spot metering because when he took the first couple of frames I'm guessing the shutter speed was around 1/15 or so...

I would love to see the final images from that session. Really makes you wonder!
Oh, come on, you know they were awesome shots all around! The kid in that blue shaded light, with the bright, sickly-looking yellowish blown out background coloration, hinting at some type of Canadian forest-y-like-sorta'-kinda-tree-infested background...but with cyan sky tones and brilliant yellow highlights to the clouds...
I found the picture:

And the guys in the back are checking the likes they already have on the shots they posted from their cell phones.
I wonder where that fence appears in the frame??????
Oh, come on, you know they were awesome shots all around! The kid in that blue shaded light, with the bright, sickly-looking yellowish blown out background coloration, hinting at some type of Canadian forest-y-like-sorta'-kinda-tree-infested background...but with cyan sky tones and brilliant yellow highlights to the clouds...

Oh...somehow I forgot to mention, these pics will also prominently feature a bright-line ring around the objects in the background, from the MASSIVE over-application of the recovery slider!
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and he should have removed his cheapo UV filter !!
he could have pop-up flashed and been fine in the fun sun.
Don't be so smart guys, it turned out pretty good
Happy Gilmore.webp
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