IF you could... Would you?

Well Id slightly differ there.

The higher model canons have a much faster fps rate than the 300D.

Something which is near essential with sports photography. Along with a higher film speed setting.

Just being a picky git to be perfectly honest as I do see your point, but there are some exceptions is all :D
To answer your question:

I can afford just about any camera under, say, $US10K without breaking a financial sweat.

I prefer to use my exposure meter and manual 35mm and 6x6cm rigs and B&W film.

I seriously doubt that going to more expensive gear would make any noticeable difference in the impact of my final prints, or in my pleasure in making them.
Torus34 said:
To answer your question:

I can afford just about any camera under, say, $US10K without breaking a financial sweat.

I prefer to use my exposure meter and manual 35mm and 6x6cm rigs and B&W film.

I seriously doubt that going to more expensive gear would make any noticeable difference in the impact of my final prints, or in my pleasure in making them.

Would you like to buy me one? :eyebrows:
Torus34 said:
To answer your question:

I can afford just about any camera under, say, $US10K without breaking a financial sweat...

Really? Would you consider adopting a 46 year old?
Holly said:
IF you could afford a camera like the Nikon D2x would you get it??

If I could comfortably afford it, I might get one. Of course if I could comfortably afford it, I would also get an FM3A, a bunch of medium format kits, a small island, and then give a large amount to charity to make me feel less guilty about it :lol:

Seriously, it would be very nice to have if you had a wide range of top-quality lenses to go with it, in addition to professional software and printing equipment, but unless you have those things I can't help feeling you wouldn't be doing it justice and wouldn't be getting your money's worth. Also you still couldn't use it as your one and only camera - are there any cameras that fit that description? IMO sometimes you'd want something you can put in your pocket or comfortably operate with one hand.
I have to come down with torus...
I have had two people and one company offer to loan or give me a dslr...

I kindly refused all offeres. Why, I am familier with my film. I have a new hobby ripping up and building cameras, but most of all the pictures look different. Probably not better or worse just different and I dont like change. Im old so sue me, or better yet dont waste your time all I have are old film cameras we all know they are worthless.
mysteryscribe said:
Im old so sue me, or better yet dont waste your time all I have are old film cameras we all know they are worthless.

Worthless? Try telling the folks on Ebay that! :mrgreen: Prices for old film cameras seem to have shot up astronomically, now that even people who know nothing about the camera they found in their attic can Google, copy and paste a bunch of info into Ebay and watch it sell for a few hundred. People are so intent on snapping these things up, you'd think they weren't making them any more... oops... and then the cost of film doesn't look much cheaper to me, while the cost of processing appears to have gone up well beyond inflation. :grumpy:

Sorry, just thought I should have a counter-rant there :lol: don't worry, I love film and won't stop using it until there's none left on the planet, but unfortunately I'm not as firm in my principles as yourself, so if quality digital imaging was affordable to me I'd take it up - not as a replacement for film, but to use alongside it; more formats and media are always good IMO... I don't suppose those people you mentioned will give their DSLRs to me instead? :D
DocFrankenstein said:
No I wouldn't. I want my next digital to be full frame or medium format.

ditto. the d2x is a fantastic camera, but if I had 5k to spend on a camera I'd buy a 5d and some nice glass or wait for the 1dsMarkIII and use it for that.
I would think hard about it. But since I shoot film, I would have to upgrade lenses so I get the most out it's features. Then deal with memory cards and software, and cables and chargers and.......So I guess my answer is no.
I know about the price of vintage film cameras. I began chopping them for the lens five years ago and my first donar lens camer was $4 plus $7 shipping. Now that same camera is 35 plus shipping.

I build on polaroid frames, the old roll film with the good glass have jumped three or four times their value five years ago. Even the 80 series that is almost pure nothing is starting to climb. NObody is using them, and they have minimal display value, in the condition most are in, but climb in price they do.

As for digital, I actually bought a couple of high end digis just before I closed the business. I was just trying them out for my son in law who took over from me. I convinced him to sell his med format and buy digital three years ago. He loves the nikon d200 and the 100 before it. So Im not anti digital just for me it isn't an option I am shooting pure retro.

But if i need a picture for ebay, I sure as heck dont load a film holder and process a black and white negative then tint it. Heck no I take the old fifty buck five mega pix and shoot the darn thing. That is after I put the monocle on the camera so it can shoot a decent close up.

No I totally think that for a working studio pro a digital is the only way to go. I can feel that and still think my retro makes better period and black and white prints. A retro camera shouldn't shoot like a digital and the pictures shouldn't look like they came from a computer even if they do. Besides I look great in a double breasted suit and panama hat.
One more thing I really dont like about digital at the moment. It really is about the equipment, the stuff that the camera makers shove off on the public. When it was film you bought a camera... Say a mamiya rb and if there was a change, it was to the film. To make a better picture, you maybe bought a new lens or changed the film brand. You didnt have to go buy a ten thousand dollar camera. At least not as often as you bought a car. Actually more often. That's because it hasn't shaken out probably, but I bet you it keeps on as long as people are, in great numbers, willing to trade up trade up trade up.

But as my wife keeps saying. money not spent has no value....whatever that means.

When it gets to the bottom line, all this is about the roof not the hammer.

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