Im new here!


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2010
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Sonoma County
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello everyone, im new to this forum, and newish to photography. Let me tell you a bit about my self.

I was born in Portland, im 15 years old, and my dad used to own a photography store, but that was about fifteen years ago, when digital wasnt available. But he bought me a Canon 10D last Christmas with a mediocre Canon 28-80. I played with it for a few months, then bought a 50mm Canon macro 2.8 from my local Shutterbug. I loved the lens! Getting close up to insects and flowers and water and stuff is great! My dad then bought a Tamron 28-200 i believe and i tried it out a bit, not as fun a lens as the macro but it was nice to experiment.

I recently put it up on ebay, and sold it for about 230 bucks, nowim spending that money towards a 100mm macro from canon. the f/2.8. Should be ordering it in a few weeks. :)

Ok so getting into my skills, im not anything amazing, and i dont know a lot about aperture, or how to set a good manual aperture, and shutter speed combination in certain lighting conditions, but i have been told by numberous people i do have a good eye for pictures. Ill post a few of my recent macros, and stuff! Tell me what you think! Please make me feel welcome and dont hesitate to ask me questions or comment! :P thanks a lot!

(Oh and these pics might not be super amazing quality as they are being pulled from my facebook) :lol:


Oh and does anyone know how to make the pictures show up? I couldnt figure it out! Thanks
I'm new here also ..glad that I meet you least I am not the only newbie that is roaming around...
Heya Soda and Lutz, welcome to ThePhotoForum.
I moved this post to the right place, i.e. The Beginners's Forum.
You're trying to link your pics from your Facebook album? Well, the URL you use must end in .jpg --- any other URL will not result in a viewable photo, just in a red x. As you can see. Try to find that URL, follow the steps as giving in the link of dark_shadow's post and you should be ok. (I hope).
welcome to the forums,, im new here also

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