I'm not sure if this is too cheeky but

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If you are trying to promote your company, hence creating a logo or watermark for your awesome pictures, how can you then yell at us for assuming you are trying to be "professional"?

That photo "style" is 1950s... looks like crap. sorry for being honest
^^ tell that to all the Holga photographers out there. It's not always about glitz. It's not always about Rolls Royce.
<---------is strapping in and preparing for take off! :sexywink:
You think we can get to 21 pages, mishele? :lol:

poor tevo.
If you are trying to promote your company, hence creating a logo or watermark for your awesome pictures, how can you then yell at us for assuming you are trying to be "professional"?

That photo "style" is 1950s... looks like crap. sorry for being honest
Looking at your gallery you cant really say anything of interest to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots. Just being honest.
You asked about a logo with photography in the name, and we're not supposed to think it's to make you look professional? There's nothing to stop you from posting photos on facebook, I don't really get what the point of putting your logo is... I think most photographers do it so that there work isn't stolen, I think you are pretty safe there as your images don't work for the masses, everyone likes their own thing and that is fine. It's just odd you're asking a forum to do your work for you, I don't really get it. I'm cheap so finding the cheapest route to get something done is right up my alley, but I never thought I could get something for nothing so just this once I will hand over my cheap crown to you.
If you are trying to promote your company, hence creating a logo or watermark for your awesome pictures, how can you then yell at us for assuming you are trying to be "professional"?

That photo "style" is 1950s... looks like crap. sorry for being honest
Looking at your gallery you cant really say anything of interest to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots. Just being honest.

im not trying to be a professional. im not watermarking my photos. I know I have a lot to learn, but what I do know if noise and grainy photos look like crap. Style or not
I just wanted something that looked nice, simple as that. Obviously i could do it myself but wanted to see what others could do even just as a little forum activity?
Wait. Where did the OP say he was making a "company"? He clearly said he just wanted something for his profile picture. From the rest of the text in the OP, sans one word, I gathered he is just making a fan page for his photography to keep it seperate from is personal Facebook page. Whats the big deal?

Although, asking it for it (the profile 'logo') to look more "professional" may have been worded more appropriately.
im not trying to be a professional. im not watermarking my photos. I know I have a lot to learn, but what I do know if noise and grainy photos look like crap. Style or not

Eye of the beholder. You do have a lot to learn.
I do know if noise and grainy photos look like crap. Style or not
That right there, is why i have no intention of taking on board anything else you have to say.

cool. so you post your noisy crap on your facebook page, and make your own damn watermarks.

a "forum activity"? a forum activity should involve everyone, not getting everyone to do something for you, for free... if you had said, "post pictures of your watermarks so we can compare styles" thats a forum activity
If you are trying to promote your company, hence creating a logo or watermark for your awesome pictures, how can you then yell at us for assuming you are trying to be "professional"?

That photo "style" is 1950s... looks like crap. sorry for being honest
Looking at your gallery you cant really say anything of interest to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots. Just being honest.

1. You asked us to make it look more "professional" implying that it was going to be for professional or semi professional use.
2. Its not just the graininess or underexposure. The photos are just lethargic, and drowsy. Infact my eye is more drawn to stare at how grainy it is, than the subject of the photo.
3. Your being rude to the people your asking to do free work for you. Granted we critiqued your photos harshly, every single piece of art ever made has been critiqued by somebody. If you can't take people judging your work then it will be difficult to advance your career if you choose to peruse it

Just to point out:
"You aren't rich successful photographers shooting london's catwalks"
"Maybe it's not a good picture for a photography logo but that doesn't mean you should be sarcastic pricks about it"
"to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots"

Learn how to do the work yourself, or don't complain when you get shot down.
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