I'm not sure if this is too cheeky but

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hahahaha bro, I understand that you may like the "rustic, grainy, 65 year old photo of great great grandpa that just got pulled out of a dusty shoebox in the basement" look, but your photos haven't even done a good job achieving it. It LITERALLY looks like you took your photos with a $20 pre paid cell phone from the late 90's. I could DRAW an image and make it look better. And my best drawing is a freaking stick figure!
hahahaha bro, I understand that you may like the "rustic, grainy, 65 year old photo of great great grandpa that just got pulled out of a dusty shoebox in the basement" look, but your photos haven't even done a good job achieving it. It LITERALLY looks like you took your photos with a $20 pre paid cell phone from the late 90's. I could DRAW an image and make it look better. And my best drawing is a freaking stick figure!
Thanks for taking the time to make a post about something that is irrelevant to the thread's topic. I'm not asking you if you like the picture.
Welcome to TPF!!!!!

Consider this your fraternity initiation. If you don't wash out, you'll become a full-fledged member. And then you too can make snarky, smart-ass comments, and will be allowed to give pithy, dismissive, one-line opinions!

Kinda like this derrel?

What kind of cell phone do you use to take your photos?
The funny part is my photo is meant to have grain and look distorted but yours in your gallery have unintended noise and are poorly focused from you probably using the wrong settings and sucking.

Again, welcome to TPF OP.

Sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you didn't.
Yer thats why the flickr is different... dumb ****.

You're TOO MODEST. Obviously you don't want to take credit for these glorious images, just to be Noble. Knowing that they can never be topped.
I admire that kind of modesty.

Would you please send me an autographed copy of the second image?

Can't tell if trying too hard to be sarcastic, or just too dumb to be subtle.
Yer thats why the flickr is different... dumb ****.

You're TOO MODEST. Obviously you don't want to take credit for these glorious images, just to be Noble. Knowing that they can never be topped.
I admire that kind of modesty.

Would you please send me an autographed copy of the second image?

Can't tell if trying too hard to be sarcastic, or just too dumb to be subtle.

That's probably because you haven't been educated on how to properly use grammar.
According to your profile and this page: Atlanta 1992 : Bankhead Highway bridge | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
the image was shot roughly when you were born. Is that why you're interested in this image?

Why would you want to use an image from someone else for your "photography logo".

Wouldn't you want to show your own photo in a logo rather than a pic from someone else?
You're TOO MODEST. Obviously you don't want to take credit for these glorious images, just to be Noble. Knowing that they can never be topped.
I admire that kind of modesty.

Would you please send me an autographed copy of the second image?

Can't tell if trying too hard to be sarcastic, or just too dumb to be subtle.

That's probably because you haven't been educated on how to properly use grammar.

Then you probably don't know what a meme is.
I felt this was appropriate for the situation.

It seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and being nasty and arrogant again (save for a couple non-hostile comments). The OP made a completely innocent request, and all of you who are berating him should be ashamed of yourselves. It's really pitiful to watch people treat each other this way. Hiding behind a computer screen to take out your anger and bitterness on other people is pathetic.
How much do you hate your life to come home, get on the internet, and throw out snarky, mean sprited digs at complete strangers? If you felt like it would simply not be worth your time to add some text to an image for him, then it would be easier to simply move on to another thread. But this is something more- you actually take the time to demean and insult his photo, advise him that he is the one being rude by even asking a question, then post mocking images to further demean and insult him.
You all know D*mn well he wasn't posting here looking for a handout, or trying to be rude by asking for something for free. And I don't believe you were even offended by his request- you just saw it as yet another opportunity to call someone out, make yourselves feel better by putting someone's work down, and flaunt your ability to be the meanest, most sarcastic sons of b*tches on the internet. Congratulations.
I've gotten some good advice on this forum but I'm sick of wading through other people's anger and bulls*it to find answers. Will not be hanging around here very much anymore.
It seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and being nasty and arrogant again (save for a couple non-hostile comments). The OP made a completely innocent request, and all of you who are berating him should be ashamed of yourselves. It's really pitiful to watch people treat each other this way. Hiding behind a computer screen to take out your anger and bitterness on other people is pathetic.
How much do you hate your life to come home, get on the internet, and throw out snarky, mean sprited digs at complete strangers? If you felt like it would simply not be worth your time to add some text to an image for him, then it would be easier to simply move on to another thread. But this is something more- you actually take the time to demean and insult his photo, advise him that he is the one being rude by even asking a question, then post mocking images to further demean and insult him.
You all know D*mn well he wasn't posting here looking for a handout, or trying to be rude by asking for something for free. And I don't believe you were even offended by his request- you just saw it as yet another opportunity to call someone out, make yourselves feel better by putting someone's work down, and flaunt your ability to be the meanest, most sarcastic sons of b*tches on the internet. Congratulations.
I've gotten some good advice on this forum but I'm sick of wading through other people's anger and bulls*it to find answers. Will not be hanging around here very much anymore.

Hit the road
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