I'm not sure if this is too cheeky but

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If you are trying to promote your company, hence creating a logo or watermark for your awesome pictures, how can you then yell at us for assuming you are trying to be "professional"?

That photo "style" is 1950s... looks like crap. sorry for being honest
Looking at your gallery you cant really say anything of interest to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots. Just being honest.

1. You asked us to make it look more "professional" implying that it was going to be for professional or semi professional use.
2. Its not just the graininess or underexposure. The photos are just lethargic, and drowsy. Infact my eye is more drawn to stare at how grainy it is, than the subject of the photo.
3. Your being rude to the people your asking to do free work for you. Granted we critiqued your photos harshly, every single piece of art ever made has been critiqued by somebody. If you can't take people judging your work then it will be difficult to advance your career if you choose to peruse it

Just to point out:
"You aren't rich successful photographers shooting london's catwalks"
"Maybe it's not a good picture for a photography logo but that doesn't mean you should be sarcastic pricks about it"
"to me on the subject of photography styles as yours look like snapshots"

Learn how to do the work yourself, or don't complain when you get shot down.

Bitter-one could interpret the above photo in multiple ways ways.

A-You have crown old, died and your skeleton has grown dust bunnies while waiting for the next snarky response on this thread.
B-You are trying to show that a gritty lo-fi aesthetic does not absolve the photographer from basic standards of technical proficiency.
C-You are merely using the above image as an emoticon, :) for example
D-All of the above.

I'm going with D
Omg... you want a FREE logo, water mark, copy right thingy? for your WORK?
you better don't!
you need to go to a less PROFESSIONAL forum if you want FREENESS!
Welcome to TPF!!!!!

Consider this your fraternity initiation. If you don't wash out, you'll become a full-fledged member. And then you too can make snarky, smart-ass comments, and will be allowed to give pithy, dismissive, one-line opinions!
It seems the mob mentality always prevails here.

Cameron, I'm not gonna beat up on you because of a photo you posted here that you like.

Stylistic choices are in the hands of the artist.
What kind of cell phone do you use to take your photos?
The funny part is my photo is meant to have grain and look distorted but yours in your gallery have unintended noise and are poorly focused from you probably using the wrong settings and sucking.
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Not sure where people are getting the 'professional' subject from, obviously i wouldn't be doing it on facebook if that was my intention.
And why are you commenting on the grainyness and underexposure like I don't realise that it is there and didn't intend for it to be?
Since you're all budding professionals and think that every photo should be clean, crisp and modern maybe i wanted something different?
Maybe it's not a good picture for a photography logo but that doesn't mean you should be sarcastic pricks about it because at the end of the day you're in a begginers thread. You aren't rich successful photographers shooting london's catwalks.
Some photos say more when they are in this style

This is easily one of the best images I've ever seen in the beginners forum.
Look at the composition. It's a masterpiece.
The clarity is amazing. Look at the way the double lines on the highway lead the eye to the main subject! The telephone pole.
This man is a professional in the making and you all dare snicker at this gorgeous image?
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