
No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 20, 2008
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Ok so I got everything now, and just got back from radio shack where I bought the 2AA holder for the battery mod of yours. Question - does it matter what kind of AA batteries I use, do I need NiMH or whatever?

edit: Ooops, for your Cactus trigger battery mod here.
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lmao... it matters NOT ONE WHIT what kind of AA batteries you use... however I like to use rechargeable NiMH batteries because they seem to last longer *and* I can always recharge them.

I use rechargeables on everything, including my Pocket Wizards... something some people do not seem to like. They work 100% anyways, and my batteries don't kill the environment.

ok, related question -- my vivitar says to use ONLY alkeline or NiCad. I went to Radio Shack to find rechargables and they dont have any rechargable nicads or alkelines, only NiMH. Does this matter? Also, the rechargables are 1.2v and the flash says to use only 1.5v :(

I bought a 40 pack of radio shack AA alkeline son sale for $10 so I'm good for a while, but need to know for future.

/me goes to the air conditioned room to RTFM.
In my Vivitar 285HV I've used eneloops (ick!) and I have used NiMH Energizers (much better). Both work fine. Again, I use rechargeables in EVERYTHING I use that needs a battery... as long as a rechargeable exists for it.

I've not found a rechargeable battery for the Cactus V2s trigger but they last a couple thousand shots worth when started from a fresh battery, so thats not so bad.
ok, thanks again for all the help, man. :)
Hey, did no one tell Dmitri that I charge by the hour???:lmao:
I spent almost two hours cleaning the battery compartment of my flash after a leaking Energizer rechargable.....never again! Just a thought.
Most of my strobist club (several hundred members) use NiMH Energizers without issues. I have used the same sets for over 2 years.

You *don't* store your equipment with the batteries in them, do you? Any old battery can leak if left there long enough, not just Energizer NiMH. When you are done using your equipment, take the batteries out (camera main battery is the exception) and store them in a cool dry place (camera bag?).

When ready to use them, recharge and enjoy!
I use my gear nearly everyday. Equipment like my MT-24EX has the batteries removed though.

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