Jumping out of an airplane :)


TPF Noob!
Feb 25, 2009
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Hey friends,

Here is a fun composite. We did it with a trampoline and profoto monolights :)

Wow, that's really cool.
How did you do this! That is awesome? Was most of the work done in photoshop?
hey meg!

yeah its called a composite! I took individual shots of the guys jumping on a trampoline and i copied them into the same photoshop file. Its about 2 hours worth of work, but a real blast

Sweet Rian! Thanks! You did a fantastic job. I love your coloring and the animated faces of the guys. Awesome!
agin, this may be nit picky, and perhaps a matter of style (but that's all there really ever is with your stuff), but the guys are lit from different angles eh? i know this isn't a realism shot so it's no big deal but.... i have to try and find something, otherwise im just going to gush about the coolness of it all.
Beautiful picture as per usual.
yeah totally! is something that i have been working on. When compositing I will often flip guys around to make it look cool for my final composite. Lately i have been lighting people more symmetrically so i have more options in post.


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