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Digital Matt

alter ego: Analog Matt
Jan 30, 2004
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Santa Barbara, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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Terri, and all the other film gurus.......that yesterday was my first B&W photography class at the community college. I've decided to go for an Associate's in Photography. :D :D

Congrats! :thumbup:

So how'd you like it? :D Too soon to say?
Oh, if it has anything to do with photography, I love it :p

Last night we just went over the syllabus, and then had a 1 hour brief history of photography, and then a 1 hour discussion about camera types and film types. Nothing too heady. We took a quick tour of the lab, and I must say, it's a beautiful modern facility. I'm looking forward to getting in there.

The best part is that the teacher is going to let me use my 4x5 field camera when I want. ;)
That’s groovy dude, it been years since I made print in a darkroom myself
Digital Matt said:
The best part is that the teacher is going to let me use my 4x5 field camera when I want. ;)

KevinR said:
Do I see a name change in the future.:lol:
Hybrid Matt? ;)
I'm in the same boat... Two jobs and two free days during the regular weekday. I'm taking one class at a time... so it will be a while before that Associates in Photography Technology is earned. If life gets too busy... its still no loss.. I can honestly say that I studied photography and enjoyed every bit of it.

Good luck.. have fun.. learn...

Interestingly enough the classes are changing as I take the courses. they are trying to incorporate and merge traditional darkroom with digital photography. There's a digital course already available along with the classic large format photography. I hear Photo I will be taught with a mix of digital cameras and medium format this year ( hasselblads )... not sure about that...
KevinR said:
Do I see a name change in the future.:lol:

Hehe, yes maybe, but actually, the digital in my name was never meant to mean that I shoot digital.

usayit said:
I'm taking one class at a time...

Me too. I work a day job, and play gigs at night, and I only have time for one class this semester. Next semester, I've managed to fit in two classes, Color Photography, and the Photo Story (p-journalism). It may take a while for this degree, but I'll do it.

As for the digital part, this school offers one digital class, but the main focus of the program is still film. They have very few computers, and there is very little emphasis on that. The instructor for my basic photography class is a stickler for learning the basics, and he's very technical, which I like.

Now, one gripe. This class is going to break my bank. My wife is taking it with me, so every supply needed is times 2. 100 sheets of 8x10 Ilford RC paper x2, 6 rolls of Ilfrod Delta 400 x 2 (4x5 for me if I want, which is VERY expensive), negative sleeves, etc.... :cokespit:
Digital Matt said:
Now, one gripe. This class is going to break my bank. My wife is taking it with me, so every supply needed is times 2. 100 sheets of 8x10 Ilford RC paper x2, 6 rolls of Ilfrod Delta 400 x 2 (4x5 for me if I want, which is VERY expensive), negative sleeves, etc.... :cokespit:

Yes.... photography (and many art classes) will tap into your wallet on top of the already expensive tuition costs. Photo I is also listed as an elective for many non-photo majors. On the first day of classes there were 12 people and it dropped down to about 5. Professor said it happens every semester right after students realize just how much equipment and supplies will set them back. For me, I liked it. I get a smaller class and people who are a bit more serious in learning the craft.

I'm actually pretty lucky... the community college is well equiped on both digital and film ends of the spectrum. I counted at least 12 Mac duals. Each had Lacie CRTs, Colorvision Spyder2, Poloroid film scanners, two professional level color printers, and one Epson 9600 ink jet. They also have two fully equiped darkrooms; one B&W and another for color. Each had about 10 enlargers. There's a supply closet thats very well secured. I took a peak inside once and it was stocked with all sorts of nice toys. Including a shelf full of Hasselblads! I can't wait to get back into it in the fall semester... I am taking Photo II which is more advanced Darkroom techniques with fibre papers mixed in with medium format photography. After that... Digital I.
The lab for this college is extremely nice as well. There are two full darkrooms, color and b&w, and each has probably 20-25 enlargers. There probably is a nice computer lab, but I haven't seen it yet. We'll see how many people drop out due to cost. Class #2 is tonight.
Digital Matt said:
Now, one gripe. This class is going to break my bank. My wife is taking it with me, so every supply needed is times 2. 100 sheets of 8x10 Ilford RC paper x2, 6 rolls of Ilfrod Delta 400 x 2 (4x5 for me if I want, which is VERY expensive)

Although it varies a little from country to country, around 50% of Ilford's sales are to students. Certainly every time I go into Silverprint in London there is a queue of them in there (they obviously hunt in packs...).

So it may break the bank, but you can get a warm feeling from doing your bit to keep the world's finest b&w film manufacturer in business! ;)

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