KevinR said:
Do I see a name change in the future.
Hehe, yes maybe, but actually, the digital in my name was never meant to mean that I shoot digital.
usayit said:
I'm taking one class at a time...
Me too. I work a day job, and play gigs at night, and I only have time for one class this semester. Next semester, I've managed to fit in two classes, Color Photography, and the Photo Story (p-journalism). It may take a while for this degree, but I'll do it.
As for the digital part, this school offers one digital class, but the main focus of the program is still film. They have very few computers, and there is very little emphasis on that. The instructor for my basic photography class is a stickler for learning the basics, and he's very technical, which I like.
Now, one gripe. This class is going to break my bank. My wife is taking it with me, so every supply needed is times 2. 100 sheets of 8x10 Ilford RC paper x2, 6 rolls of Ilfrod Delta 400 x 2 (4x5 for me if I want, which is VERY expensive), negative sleeves, etc....