

TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2018
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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Plenty of detail on that fella.
Jeeezzzo. Just had a look on the Tube. I wouldn't want them outside my bedroom window at 6am😬
Very nice shot.....
Thanks Jeff

… just can't resist these guys! :encouragement:
They are bigger and slower than the wrens and bee eaters so way easier to capture. This guy was just perched on a branch looking at me without a care in the world
Awesome looking little birds, I especially like their call.
Thanks Kirk. He wasn't laughing at me this time :)
Jeeezzzo. Just had a look on the Tube. I wouldn't want them outside my bedroom window at 6am😬
They certainly make a racket. Apparently the "laugh" is a territorial thing.
They are bigger and slower than the wrens and bee eaters so way easier to capture. This guy was just perched on a branch looking at me without a care in the world

Our Kingfishers are always flying low, very fast and mostly i
n a straight line … like bright blue far away bullets.
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Browns and some blues: what a beautiful bird! He looks like he just decided to pose for you, Stapo. Very nice shot! :)
Thanks Jeff

They are bigger and slower than the wrens and bee eaters so way easier to capture. This guy was just perched on a branch looking at me without a care in the world

Thanks Kirk. He wasn't laughing at me this time :)

They certainly make a racket. Apparently the "laugh" is a territorial thing.
Maybe you'll get lucky next time. Do you guys have pelicans? I just put up some shots of some from around here. If you have any pelican pics put them up.
Browns and some blues: what a beautiful bird! He looks like he just decided to pose for you, Stapo. Very nice shot! :)
Thanks very much. I was walking down the path that winds through a bushland area and he was perched there on a tree limb. He wasn't worried about me at all.
Maybe you'll get lucky next time. Do you guys have pelicans? I just put up some shots of some from around here. If you have any pelican pics put them up.
You mean these things?

Nice looking bird- I had a little play in Photoshop I hope you don't mind it screamed out to be edited

I adjusted exposure by 15% cropped and a slight sharpen to bring out the detail in the feathers and eye


Les :)
I like the more muted background exposure in mine but other than that nice job. The crop really works.
Nicely done shot! Is it sitting in an old gum tree? You have some fascinating critters Down Under.

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