Lady in black

@ Big: I know, I do a lot of low key stuff.. However, I am currently looking to do some high key images, white seamless kinds.. The only ones I did till now is with inanimate objects.
I figured you knew about it since it looks like you knew what you are doing. I was directing it more towards people who were complaining about how your background is so black and your subject is wearing a black shirt. Just letting them know it's a technique and not something you did by accident.
I like this portrait but unfortunately for this girl she seems to have pretty bad skin (or is it burns?) and that is where my eye keeps going back.

The one light set up may not be the best approach for her. I think a flatter light would have helped hide some of the skin problem. Or maybe a high key approach and blast her skin as much as possible with light like the right side of her face in this shot.

If she is a friend and willing to put up with you trying things, it might be an interesting exercise.
I like this portrait but unfortunately for this girl she seems to have pretty bad skin (or is it burns?) and that is where my eye keeps going back.

The one light set up may not be the best approach for her. I think a flatter light would have helped hide some of the skin problem. Or maybe a high key approach and blast her skin as much as possible with light like the right side of her face in this shot.

If she is a friend and willing to put up with you trying things, it might be an interesting exercise.

Yupe, its tough to deal with her skin flaws... A normal exposure would just makes it all very apparent.. It is a challenge to get the right amount of light to blast the skin smooth.. too much light and her features melt (she is extremely fair to begin with). Any tips to get a perfect high key, while preserving the outline of the nose? (her eyes and lips can be taken care of with makeup) bare flash or diffused? off camera or on camera? I prefer to achieve my perfect image in-camera itself.. Thought I like PP, I am forcing myself to do less of it to improve as a photographer.. :D
Thought I like PP, I am forcing myself to do less of it to improve as a photographer.. :D

I like your attitude. :thumbup:

As for tips, really can't help you because it has been too long since I've worked with lights. I do remember doing some high key portrait work but the point of those was to have very few details so that is not quite what you want.

Hopefully, someone else with recent experience will chime in.

It's really too bad for this girl. She's quite pretty otherwise.

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