Lawyering Process!!


TPF Noob!
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Yeah, I took a couple shot at the law school today, please give me critique as I want to improve. Comments on color, lighting, and composition, and all others would be great.Thanks.



#1 is a good shot, however very blury. Also note that shooting against a bright background while wearing a white shirt makes him appear to blend in.

With #2 I see a very Lawyer type shot, but I think him resting his hand on the books behind him (get rid of the binders) may appear more professional. Also crop down the dead space on top.

Good start though.:thumbup:
Thanks for the comment, yes, number 1 is blurry from camera shake, I think. I was trying to limit the iso and well next you know, you're zooming in like crazy. I got to check my camera setting more often for sure though, these kind of mistake are hard to swallow. lol. The first shot was a paparazi shot, he didn't know. lol. Thanks for the tips about the background!!!

I agree that the second shot would have been better if I crop out the upper portion of it but I then I won't be able to keep the 4x5 print ratio anymore, you know what I mean? Any suggestion on that? Yeah, I'm not sure why the two of us decided to use the folders, lol. kind of spontaneous.
Well for #2 I'm not saying crop out the folders, because than you would have a handless lawyer. What I am trying to get at is a reshoot of that area, and maybe angle it so the black books are the background. Only because there's not much going on with that white wall.
I agree - have him stand in front of a set of Reporters or AmJurs instead of those icky binders! I vote for a re-shoot.

Maybe some courthouse shots, too? Assuming you have a historical courthouse, that would give you lots of nice background opportunities to work with. Go after hours and you can get him in an empty courtroom.
thanks for the comments, hopefully we can get together for a reshoot before the semester is over.

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