Lens Across America : ROUND 3!


Chief Free Electron Relocator
Supporting Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Importrant note: As this lens has become unusable, LAA Round 3 is now Closed. Please direct your attention to LAA, Round 4.

OK, folks, it's time for ROUND 3!!!!!!


Announcing: Lens Across America, Round 3.


A while back, I scored a slightly damaged Nikkor D-AF 28-105/3.5-4.5 for the Lens Across America. Slightly damaged = a couple of scratches on the front element. But they don't look like they'll affect IQ any, 'cept maybe for a bit more flare when shooting into the sun. But hey, the price was right!


KR jokes aside, here’s his page about it: Nikon 28-105mm

The reason for this project? Simple: To show that it's not expensive gear that creates great images..... it's the person behind it.


Since the lenses in the Original, as well as the Round 2, version of this project have seemingly disappeared into the Great Abyss, it's time to enact a bit more control.

So, here’s The Rules:

  1. The lens is for Nikon's F-mount. However, a Nikon-to-Canon adapter has been donated by HughGuessWho. So Nikon & Canon shooters can participate.
  2. The project is for US members only. This is because of duties imposed by other countries. Sorry.
  3. PM me if you're interested in participating. The whole idea is to create a collection of images across the country with a common thread: The Lens.
  4. Names will be added to The List in the order they are received.
  5. To be fair to those cheated out of the chance to participate in Rounds 1 and 2, any member who signed up for those but never received the lens will be given preferential treatment. This means, they may cut in line in front of those already listed, should they decide to do so. Or, they may decide they want to participate, and later on desire to be moved up on the list.
  6. For those who have participated in Rounds 1 and 2, you can still sign up for Round 3.
  7. Rule 7. Oooh The Big One. This was a huge point of contention on the other two attempts. 7 days. One week. 168 hours. OK, so this isn';t set in stone, but try to send it along in a timely manner. If you receive the lens on a Saturday, you won't rot in hell for keeping it for 9 days and sending it out the Monday next. You get the point, though: one week per participant. It's an incredibly simple concept.
  8. There's no limit to the number of photos you can take, but please only post your best..... the keepers, as it were.
  9. Please geotag the photos at Panoramio when you upload them. You can GeoTag them once the uploading process starts. Please GeoTag all the images you upload.
  10. Bad Luck Rule: Yeah, we're human. I realize that this lens may be damaged, lost or destroyed. If you let go of it and it plunks into the lake, or takes a fatal ride down as your tripod falls over, oh well,...... that's life. Don't feel bad, it's not a $10,000 lens. We all promise not to burn you at the stake. (But we will go on a WitchHunt if you KEEP the lens......;))

How to participate?

  1. I must, in a PM, receive your name, address, email address and phone number. I promise I'll hold this information in strictest confidence and you won't get spammed or sold out to telemarketers; this is simply to keep this Lens from disappearing into the Great Unknown like the others. I will send you an email and maybe even call your phone number and expect a reply. No reply = you don't get added to the list.
  2. When you're half-way through shooting your ONE WEEK with the lens, contact the next person on The List via PM to arrange shipment to them. The Lens arrived with a $5 bill, so no one can claim poverty and not ship The Lens on. Just make sure to ship it out with a like $5 bill to the next person.
  3. Once your turn comes up, make contact with the current participant (who is in possession of The Lens) to arrange for shipping to you.
  4. When you send the lens off to the next person on the List, PM me so I can keep abreast of the whereabouts of The Lens.
  5. When you receive The Lens, PM me so I can keep abreast of the whereabouts of it.
  6. What to shoot? Well, that's totally up to you. Landscapes, macros, sports, your kids, whatever you desire''''.. except for naughty stuff.
  7. If, for some reason, you want to opt out, just PM me. No hard feelings. Maybe I can put your further down on the list.

Other Whats and Wherefores:

  1. If anyone wants to add a small token to the project, well that would just be downright appreciated by all. A Nikon F-to-Canon adapter has already been donated as a nice gesture from HughGuessWho to the Canonites of the forum. Maybe a filter or two you no longer need (62mm, if you're wondering). Braineack has donated a hood.
  2. Posting images for this project will be on a Group I have created on my Panoramio account.
  3. Do you need to pay for insurance or delivery confirmation when shipping? Heck no! The Lens isn';t worth it. If you want to, that's fine, but the cost is yours.
  4. You don't need to shoot with just this Lens by itself. If you have a teleconverter, or macro filters/extension tubes, or a ring flash, CPL, ND or whatever else in your arsenal, by all means use it!
  5. Hopefully, Third Time's The Charm. Maybe this Lens will make it to everyone on the list, and possibly to some more than once. But, if it gets dropped in a lake, lost in transit or destroyed beyond use, that's life. The project will be over...... no lens can replace it as the whole purpose is for us to use just this One Lens.
  6. Oh, the lens will autofocus on Nikon bodies that have a motor in them. If yours doesn't (D40, D50, D60, D3xxx, D5xxx et al), then you'll need to focus manually.
  7. When you ship The Lens off to the next participant, please use a carrier appropriate for the mailing address. UPS, FedEx and the like cannot deliver to a Post Office box.
  8. Suggested upload size: Maximum of 1,000 pixels along the long edge of the images.
  9. You can view the images on a Google Map here.
  10. Shoot film? Sure! As long as the lens works on your film body, by all means. You'll just need to scan the results in order to post them.

That's about all I can think of for the time being. Here's who's on The List so far:





Second go-around:

(Member in Bold is current user of The Lens)


Let's make this the lens that makes a complete journey!

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I think adding in that recipients need to be a semi regular poster would help lower the chances of someone "losing" the lens. But that's just me. Cool thing to do.
I know that I'm pretty new to the forum, but I hope I've been active enough that you don't consider me a flight risk.
I can't participate either unless there is a Canon adapter (my bf has a Canon DSLR I could shoot with) but that's okay. It'll be fun to see all the pictures from everyone!
Alas, another Canon user. I'm excited though. Cool thing to do!!
Hey, maybe we Canon shooters can free-lens it? That might add a little frisson to the picture quality! Oh, and I'm out as I'd have to pick it up south of the border and convince the friendly border person (they're people? maybe) that I didn't kill anyone or at least mug anyone to get the lens. And then I'll have to smuggle it back.
Or you people can come to the dark side. :D
Or you people can come to the dark side. :D

yeah, but that's almost expected. No real challenge in that. It's like the guy who was promised by the Devil "I'll make you irresistible to women, richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined, and you can get anything you want with a snap of a finger. At the end I'll get your soul", and the guy says "ok, so what's the catch?".

Now if we can get the Nikon lens to make out with the Canon cameras without the required coupling... now we are truly creating a dark side! (or maybe it's just a light leak). :-P
Don't count yourself out.... maybe an adapter will get added.
I will participate in this project by donating a yet to be purchased Nikon to Canon adapter. I will order one ASAP and contact Sparky for a ship to address.

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