lenses and filters?


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2013
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Gold Coast, Australia
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what lenses and fitlers are best to capture good beach sunrises and the city lights of a night time?
i have a nikon D5100
Lenses: Something to the wide side probably. I'm guessing a 35mm would do nicely.

Can't think of any filters you'd really need...
what lenses and fitlers are best to capture good beach sunrises
Probably a wide angle lens, depending on the composition. Possibly a graduated neutral density filter to balance sky and sea brightness levels.

and the city lights of a night time?
On the lens, it totally depends on the composition, how far away it will be shot from, etc. No filters are necessary at night. If you want an exaggerated star effect, you could use a filter for that.

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