"From the but to the Flower"
Hello, I took this picture once morning in rainy weather. What do You people think about this? Comments are wellcome as always (ze skrzydełkami).
Hmm... I like what you were trying to achieve here... In my most humble opinion, I would prefer this image cropped tighter on the large blossom and the one directly to its right (left as one looks at the image).
Nice photo, trolic, and I like your idea and composition in the first, but would have cropped off a little of the leaves on the very right ... they don't help the pic any. And it's nitpicking but I do miss the very top of that one big bud that's being cropped off by your top frame here.
But water droplets on flowers are ALWAYS nice!
Therefore - and for composing it the way you did - I also like your second photo here.
(Found a nice camomile flower with morning dew earlier this morning ... I might put that one up, too.)