Light as a Active Element


TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2012
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Hello. I'm in this photography class and the teacher assigned us to capture light. This week she wants us to capture light as a Active Element. Any ideas? What should I capture , how . Ect.
Thank you:)
In what kinds of images that you've seen is the quality or direction of light most obvious?
Sunsets are a good example of a scenario where light is the main object. I'm NOT telling you to go photograph generic sunsets, but it is one example...
Rex makes a good point about sunsets, but IMO, they're a rather cliched example. Try and find something outside the box...
The first thing that popped into my mind is to photograph a light fixture. That's what I would do.

I envision a common table lamp with lampshade. Try to get an interesting composition, and bracket your exposure. Watch the background to avoid competing elements.
I think flashlights or laser pointers would be pretty cool. Maybe a beam bouncing off mirrors. Man, I could go ADD for days with that option.
When is light in a photograph an inactive element? When you take photos in the dark?

Photograph: photo = light and graph = draw -- draw with light. Ask your teacher to show you a photograph taken without light. If you're learning photography the key to your success is learning to consciously see and assess the way in which light is active in every photo you take.

I suspect what your teacher wants you to do is include a light source in your photo. Take a photo at dusk of city lights. Get a wide angle lens and take a photo inside X-Mart making sure to include the lights in the ceiling. Photograph lighted candles. Photograph a fire in a fireplace. Photograph your desk with the lamp on.

Exposure for photos that include a light source is tricky and it is often impossible to avoid burning out the light source. Pick a static subject and use your camera's EC function to take a bracket set that you can select from later.

How about a time lapse at night of painting with a flashlight or sparkler?
Maybe something like this?


Or as said before sunsets. Or even a photo of a lamp, (lava, bed, street). With the light from them the main subject.
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I'll go ahead and be the bad voice in your head, bringing up the idea of setting something on fire and taking shots of it. I accept no responsibility for damage, injury or loss of life.
some thoughts of mine:

light passing through glass (or better stained glass)
light passing through water
fire, candles
spotlights shining through dust or smoke

basically, anything interesting that light does.
Do you have a Chinese lampshade?

Do you know any bikers?

Are you any good at pumpkin carving?

A more traditional use for candles........

How about using the moon?

Just my 2¢.
write "light" on someone in big letters.. have someone tackle them, get pictures of it.
Put a flashlight in a jail cell. Take a picture of it...

i often mistake ingenuity and sarcasm though...

don't know if this qualifies as as idea..but would appreciate feedbacl

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