Lighthouse at Acadia


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 27, 2010
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Hi everyone, I was hoping to get some feedback on this shot. I've been working on improving my landscape editing workflow and trying to simply accentuate the colors, lighting, etc. that I saw when I took the shot. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

6530 version 2 by Jeffrey Lee, on Flickr
Great spot. I've seen this photo so many times - that's not a knock, it's totally worth taking! I think this needs sharpening as it lacks a little punch. I downloaded it and used Unsharp Mask and feel it's an improvement.

unsharp mask.jpg
It looks pretty good, and has subtle lighting. it's probably pretty impressive seen large, but shown at the size it is here, it's not revealing much of its majesty. The image is private on your Flickr page. I think the edited, punched-up version reveals a bit more of the image's power. If anything might improve the shot, it might be to have a bit more top space above the lighthouse. it's an interesting use of an almost perfectly centered horizon line, and it almost like two different photos, within one frame.
It looks pretty good, and has subtle lighting. it's probably pretty impressive seen large, but shown at the size it is here, it's not revealing much of its majesty. The image is private on your Flickr page. I think the edited, punched-up version reveals a bit more of the image's power. If anything might improve the shot, it might be to have a bit more top space above the lighthouse. it's an interesting use of an almost perfectly centered horizon line, and it almost like two different photos, within one frame.

Great spot. I've seen this photo so many times - that's not a knock, it's totally worth taking! I think this needs sharpening as it lacks a little punch. I downloaded it and used Unsharp Mask and feel it's an improvement.

View attachment 163265

Thanks for the feedback and the edit.

So I was going for an Orton-y effect, which ended up making the light very soft throughout. It also made the rocks softer as well, which may or may not have the desired effect. Perhaps the rocks would look better sharper. I'll take a look at selectively sharpening the foreground rocks.

Here's a link to the image.

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