New to the world of photography


TPF Noob!
Jul 22, 2024
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Leeds West Yorkshire
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Hi Everyone

Just starting out in photography always fancied it but never took the plunge so here we go hoping to get a few tips and info along the journey I am in my 50s now.
I have bought myself a cheep to start canon 400d with an 18-55 lense to play with looking at landscape and architecture pretty much anything really any tips or tricks to get going would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Hi Everyone

Just starting out in photography always fancied it but never took the plunge so here we go hoping to get a few tips and info along the journey I am in my 50s now.
I have bought myself a cheep to start canon 400d with an 18-55 lense to play with looking at landscape and architecture pretty much anything really any tips or tricks to get going would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
I found in time things I thought I liked turned into something else. Strange how that worked out. I don't know anything about Canon cameras but sounds like entry level. Great choice IMO. I think with most people, few ever learn to really use the camera they have before feeling a need to upgrade. Speaking of Canon, never had one of their cameras but take their printers over anything else!
Welcome and enjoy the forum. Many who are starting out think "better" or newer gear will make them a better photographer. Absolutely not. Concentrate on the five exposure factors of shutter speed, f stop, ISO, Depth of Field and what's in focus. Shoot things that are interesting to you and look for lines, shapes, form, color, texture, how to tell a story and set a mood. Work on your photographic vision. Try to see what the camera sees before you click the shutter button. Learn the "rules" of composition and apply as you approach a scene. Pick a post processing tool and become skillful with it. Your current gear can take amazing photos, so don't think you are at a disadvantage.

Good luck. You are starting on an amazing journey that can last a lifetime.
Hi welcome to canon owners
Have fun with it, play try ideas
Look forward to see your images
Hi Everyone

Just starting out in photography always fancied it but never took the plunge so here we go hoping to get a few tips and info along the journey I am in my 50s now.
I have bought myself a cheep to start canon 400d with an 18-55 lense to play with looking at landscape and architecture pretty much anything really any tips or tricks to get going would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Welcome to TPF.

Here's a tip. The difference between beginners and photographers: Beginners look through their cameras and see the subject they are photographing; photographers look through their cameras and see how the subject is lit. It's all about the light.
Hi Everyone

Just starting out in photography always fancied it but never took the plunge so here we go hoping to get a few tips and info along the journey I am in my 50s now.
I have bought myself a cheep to start canon 400d with an 18-55 lense to play with looking at landscape and architecture pretty much anything really any tips or tricks to get going would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Welcome to the Forum! Post some shots and you’ll get some helpful comments. And I know I’ve learned a lot reading comments about my posts and others’.
Thank you all for the replies and comments can't wait to get out properly and start snapping away.
This is one I took with my phone and edited slightly please let me no what you think and if it could be improved in any way.
Even though the Canon 400d is rather inexpensive, it is a very capable picture taker. And the 18-55 is a great lens. Back in the days of 35mm film there was a saying that the best way to become a professional photographer is 50 miles of film. We are lucky in this digital age in that there is no film to buy or pay to have processed. Read the camera manual many times and shoot the things you like many times. Experiment of the shutter speed, f/stop, iso, etc. to see the effect they have on your pictures. When you have some examples to share, post them and ask for comments.
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Even though the Canon 400d is rather inexpensive, it is a very capable picture taker. And the 18-55 is a great lens. Back in the days of 35mm film there was a saying that the best way to become a professional photographer is 50 miles of film. We are lucky in this digital age in that there is no film to buy or pay to have processed. Read the camera manual many times and shoot the things you like many times. Experiment of the shutter speed, f/stop, iso, etc. to see the effect they have on your pictures. When you have some examples to share, post them and ask for comments.
Thank you as soon as I get chance will upload a few.
Thank you all for the replies and comments can't wait to get out properly and start snapping away.
This is one I took with my phone and edited slightly please let me no what you think and if it could be improved in any way.View attachment 277878

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