Lighting Kit advice


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2011
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Tucson, Az
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Ok, been reading through a handful of threads but i figure the best way to go about this is to post and hope for the best :D

What I'm looking for is a lighting kit, can either be strobe or continuous. I've rented smith vector continuous kits with umbrellas in the past and I'm fairly comfortable using that so far. I do mainly fashion shots and will be shot against either a black or white muslim backdrop in my home with no other lighting in the room.

Ideally I'd like to stay around 300 but could possibly push to 400 if need be. I know this isn't a very large budget for lighting but based off what I've used in the past I know this is where I want to at least start.

Any help would be great
Take a gander at your local Craigslist. I got my pair of monolights for $100.

Check your local camera store as well.... maybe someone traded up.

Your camera clubs may be a source of good, used gear.

Try a WTB posting down in the Buy/Sell forum.

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