!!!! Lightning problem and C&C please !!!!!


TPF Noob!
Sep 7, 2010
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Here's a picture of the problem iam having, both umbrellas are showing in the eyes. Could it be lights where to close do to my short space.
I know iam no professional, but got a passion for photography just wanna get better, the model is my sister.
I don't see any lightning in the photo.

You got 2 sets of catchlights because both lights are close to the lens axis. Having both lights close to the lens axis also makes for flat looking lighting (no shadow modeling of the facial mask).

You could clone out one set of catchlights.

As far as C&C - the camera tilt, selective coloring :thumbdown: .
I would try switching to a single light 20-30 degrees camera right and a reflector 80-90 degrees image left.
thanks for comments the tilt an pose I just copy the idea from a magazine, so if the idea sucks iam sorry.
The catchlights are desirable in portrait photography, but the lights are too close to the model and the lighting looks flat.

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