Lightroom CC update to 6.3 available


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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Just in case some aren't aware and you don't check your Adobe CC account daily, Adobe released the Lightroom CC 6.3 update that goes back to the previous version of the import dialog window from their last "simplified" version.

That was an incredibly frustrating change they made and guessing by the huge amount of online backlash they got as well as their apology letter they issued for doing it, they realized it was a bone headed move in the first place...
Just in case some aren't aware and you don't check your Adobe CC account daily, Adobe released the Lightroom CC 6.3 update that goes back to the previous version of the import dialog window from their last "simplified" version.

That was an incredibly frustrating change they made and guessing by the huge amount of online backlash they got as well as their apology letter they issued for doing it, they realized it was a bone headed move in the first place...

I guess I was not paying attention because I did not notice anything. Actually, I did notice my card did not eject after import.

Bone headed is right - man, folks are going crazy. Lightroom 6.2 Release Update and Apology
how bad was it? I'm still on 6.1.
A video showing differences. I definitely did not do the update and glad I didn't.

It wasn't the import screen that caused me issues. When I first uploaded that update, it kept crashing on me. When I called, they were aware of it and helped me get it to working. I was out and unstable with LR for a couple of days.
The import interface was definitely the biggest change for the 6.2 release. I didn't experience the crashing issue, but the import became so stupid simple that it actually made my work flow HARDER! They removed common sense features like being able to double click an image to view it larger, and you couldn't zoom to check critical focus. I had to start importing all the images and then taking the time to remove the ones I didn't want in the first place on two separate hard drives rather than being able to check critical focus and only import the best images. It more than doubled the time it took me to import images and start editing... They had also made you go into menus to access all the features for impotent that used to be right there in the side pane.
I'm so happy the old import screen is back. :1219:

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