Look what I found in my breakfast cereal

It probably is them. When someone writes a bad review (due to a defect usually) on internet shopping sites the manufacturers usually respond quickly.

Hats off to Quaker for caring.
Law suit alert, there's a lot of people who would sue over something like that. No harm no foul IMO.
Close enough counts in: Hand Grenades, Horseshoes, and Personal Injury Lawsuits.
Law suit alert, there's a lot of people who would sue over something like that. No harm no foul IMO.
I'm thinking about suing because of the emotional stress this thread has caused me. Quaker has deep pockets, they'll pay me to just go away quietly.
is that really quaker??

Laf, I doubt it but it is the only post from someone who joined the forum this month.

It did provide a photo op to follow with all the macro talk here of late. I used a Minolta 55mm, f1.7 & extension tubes on a Panasonic G1.

BTW, I concluded it was burnt sugar when I saw it.
it's probably burnt sugar, that's what it looks like anyway.

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