looking for a basic film and lens guide


TPF Noob!
May 30, 2009
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I took photo 1 in college shot everything on a 50mm lens with trix-400 film. I am just picked up a cannon ae-program with like 4 lenses and am trying to get back into photography. Is there any online resource from what lenses or film to use for what conditions/situations? Or at least some rule of thumb that I should know?
Welcome back to photography.

Is there any online resource from what lenses or film to use for what conditions/situations? Or at least some rule of thumb that I should know?
Not really. Remember that photography is an art form and there really aren't hard rules that say you should use a specific lens for this or that. It's up to you to decide what to use, and it often comes down to using what we have available.

A very basic (and rather obvious) rule is that you probably want to use a longer (telephoto) lens for subjects that are farther away, at least when you want to fill the frame with your subject.

Just get out there and shoot. Have fun with it.
Go around to the local garage sales this weekend; chances are at least one or two of them will have some old books on photography which you can pick up for a dollar or two, and use to brush up on the basics. Libraries are also good resources.
Check on Amazon for "Kodak Professional Photoguide". It has an amazing amount of film, filters, exposure, flash and lens information. Get the most recent edition you can find. Mine is the 5th edition. Cost starts at about $10 + $4 shipping.

The guide has not been published for several years so only used copies are still available.
just picked up on ebay 10 rolls kodak ultramax 400 35mm color film 36 exp to practice with. Was it a good move? I think I am going to try and shoot some flowers. Will that film work well for that. Also any lense suggestions for shooting flowers? I have a 50mm, 28mm, 80-200mm, and 28-135mm.
just picked up on ebay 10 rolls kodak ultramax 400 35mm color film 36 exp to practice with. Was it a good move? I think I am going to try and shoot some flowers. Will that film work well for that. Also any lense suggestions for shooting flowers? I have a 50mm, 28mm, 80-200mm, and 28-135mm.
Check out www.kodak.com if you haven't already. They still make UltraMax 400.

I you have, you may have missed their 35mm print film chooser.

If you want to shoot a close up use the 28 or 50mm. Actually to do it right you would use both. The two zoom lenses probably aren't as sharp as your two primes.

You have a tripod, right?
Check on Amazon for "Kodak Professional Photoguide". It has an amazing amount of film, filters, exposure, flash and lens information. Get the most recent edition you can find. Mine is the 5th edition. Cost starts at about $10 + $4 shipping.

The guide has not been published for several years so only used copies are still available.

i second the choice for this book, its pretty good
no tripod yet, any suggests. Do I really aneed one? I don't want to spend alot. I am looking to shoot the big neon signs in Vegas.
If you're going to be shooting them at night, I would think you'd need a tripod.

Look into the Manfrotto tripods. They're not cheap, but quality gear rarely is...
You should be able to find a decent one for around $200 though.
Yeah you'll need one. If you want bargain bin prices on a tripod you could go to wall mart or radio shack and pick up an MX series tripod. They are cheap and you get what you pay for but I have been using and abusing mine for a wile and it gets the job done

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