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Looking for feedback


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2003
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hello, I thought I should introduce myself. I have recently graduated with an education degree, but throughout college, I've been more and more interested in photography. I had the distinct honor of using a Nikon D1 for my university newspaper as well as traveling around Europe to find many wonderful photos (not with the D1 though)

I use a pentax K100 and a pentax zx50. If you are a photo critic, or want to be one, take a few minutes here and there and browse through my hundreds of photos. :-) I'm always open to feedback, but like anyone else, I can get defensive of my work sometimes. I'm trying to learn to take criticism better and build off it, so please bear with me.

I don't think I'll be posting any pics on this website because that's reinventing the wheel.

Thanks for stopping by! Erik

first off..welcome to the boards!! secondly, if your looking for critical analysis of your work, all i can say is that you take extremely beautiful pictures. honestly, the storm picture and the action pictures of the sports were all great. you seem to have an eye for composition and technique. keep going!!


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