Macro falsh

Sophia Scott

TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2015
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Hello, I want to deal with macro photography. I have a EOS REBEL T2i and would like a help on how to start looking for a macro ring flash. I thought to Metz MS-1 Macro Flash but I'm not sure if it's the right decision. Can someone help me?
I have gone back and forth so many times about going macro and this has been something i've wondered about. The solution i came up with was to just strap-on one of those small softboxes to the front of a regular flash that i already own and use that as my macro flash.
Ring flashes are a fairly specialized light source. They're not useful in all situations, but in the ones where they are useful, they're almost indispensible. What sort of work are you going to be using it for ("macro" being a rather generic term)?
Hello, I want to deal with macro photography. I have a EOS REBEL T2i and would like a help on how to start looking for a macro ring flash. I thought to Metz MS-1 Macro Flash but I'm not sure if it's the right decision. Can someone help me?

that could work but if you're doing macro for insects, flowers, etc. look at a twin flash flash setup with a diffuser

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