Mario Testino lighting

Ricardo J

TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2018
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Hi guys! I'm new here. Glad to have found the forum.
I was wondering if you could help me figure out the technical part behind this shoot:

Overall the whole Diana shoots where he used that kind of lighting. I see it has a lot of natural lighting but there's also something extra. reflector only?

I tried to recreate it using 2 flshes and a vinyl curtain as a backdrop but it was a massive disaster.

Any comment helps.
Take care guys!
I would guess either a large window camera right (in #2) or a large (as in 4x6) light panel to simulate a window, with a big reflector camera left.
I would guess either a large window camera right (in #2) or a large (as in 4x6) light panel to simulate a window, with a big reflector camera left.
Hoy about a 35mm with a side backlight , white bg and and reflector left to the camera in front of the camera. Could work, couldnt it?
Has her fairly close to a large window with a white sheer in the first 2. I don't care for the highlight on the nose in the first shot. You could do this with a background nuked with a flash hidden behind her. The photographer also embraced wrap of light around the edges of the subject, something that I often avoid by making sure the meter reading taken from back of subject towards the bg doesn't exceed the camera setting. In the second shot note how the wrap is both on inside and outside of upper arms so is coming from a window or bouncing off a white bg. Works with white but if gelling the bg light, a colored wrap around subject usually isnt desirable.

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