
TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2004
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Is anyone in this group MFA in any field? OR planning to do MFA?


MFA in Design
I want an MFA in photography. But first i need to finish my undergrad work. My school doesn't offer a photography degree so i will have alot of catch up once i finish with my graphic arts degree.
I went to the University of Oregon in Eguene. (2000)

Mark Im making good money just to prove that being an artist can pay :D
TheProf said:
I went to the University of Oregon in Eguene. (2000)

I have been doing research on the MFA in Design program.

MFA in Design and Photography - What does it emphasize on? Will one be armored for the yummy job market as soon as he/she leaves the school?
What does it basically involve? Magazine, graphic design, newpaper??
And do you know any suitable schools in NY NJ area? I cross paths with names like School of Visual Arts, Parsons, Pratt and the likes.
Look forward to hearing from you.
If your teaching at Western Oregon University i am going to laugh because i am in your Photography class LOL

Ok well first Im a Uni Professor in Dubai, sorry Havoc no A for you.


My experience in my MFA was a little unusual. I studied a varity of diffrent meduims and incoporated it into my work. I ended up creating mixed media Video installation pieces. While there I also took some classes in computer 3D Modeling/animation. (which has got my foot in the door teaching)

All schools are diffrent. But I would say that most MFA programs are going to concentrate on the Artistic/conceptual side of things rather than the technical. You dont really go get a masters in photo to do commercial work, although it does strengthen you artistic ability.

That being said it is possible to find a program that fits your needs I would start calling Professors and asking them about the Outcomes of the program.

I dont know any schools in NY off hand other than the ones you listed. But it sounds like you would be better suited going to a Design School rather than a traditional Uni. They are set up on more a Trade school type approach were you will learn the skill to get you into the job market fast.
Thanks Prof for the info!

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