Misc Lenses


TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2007
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Looking at trying to sell the following:

Canon 18-55 3.5-5.6 IS kit lens with 58mm HOYA UV filter - $120 local pick-up/swap only (So Cal).

DAMAGED Tamron 28-75 f2.8 - I bought this unit used last summer and it was accidentally dropped in December (hood broke in fall). It is now effectively a 42-67mm! It still AFs ok and there seems to be no issues with the glass, apreture or anything of the sort - just wont zoom beyond the "new" range. Bought a Sigma instead as I was on a trip and needed a zoom. No need to repair it now, although I miss the compactness of the lens...not sure what to ask for on this item or if anyone would even want it....but if you can repair lenses (or know someone who does), this could be a deal for you...I would take misc items in trade (i.e. 77/82mm filters, BP-E5 battery, remote shutter release for XSi, lens cleaning kits, etc)

67mm HOYA CPL filter - $20 local pick-up. Fits the Tamron noted above.

PM or e-mail for details....thanks for looking...

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