More Ospreys


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2004
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Brooklin, Ontario, Canuckia
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Once again I visited my local Osprey nest and they were just as happy to see me this time as in the past. I counted three and one looked very small so I imagine this year they had a baby. I heard last year the nest did not have any young.

Most of these I take to be the female as she was not happy about me being there and buzzed me a few times. You can almost see the annoyed look in her eyes.





I think this is the “will you go away stare”

Thanks for looking,

considering the high sun, these are incredible shots bro, awesome! Hope we hook up tomorrow.,

Ken Newcombe has a indigo Bunting in his yard, and is charging 30 Bucks for a 4 hour seminar/shoot tomorrow at 4 pm., let me know if you guys are interested.
It's like he was posing for you! Fantastic shots!
"Thump" thats the sound of my jaw hitting the floor

Amazing shots

Love the way the last one is looking right into the lens
great job airic.... 4&5 are superb..... :thumbup:
nice! great shots airic! :thumbup:
These are awesome as always Airic. That last one is killer.
great shots as always eric! super job on these :)
Most of these I take to be the female as she was not happy about me being there and buzzed me a few times. You can almost see the annoyed look in her eyes.
Almost...? :lol: You need to face it, Airic! ....that bird just don't like you.... :x

Thanks for posting these; always fun to see! :D
Glad to hear these guys are still around...I haven't had time to drive up there yet but I would love to some time soon.

Great series bro.

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