Muir Woods


Just Corinna in real life
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Feb 1, 2004
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Lower Saxony, Germany
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071_MuirWoods von Corinna-Fotos auf Flickr

LaFoto is posting another photo!

It has taken me some time to come up with something - but here I am.
I quite like this photo, the lines of the trees + sunlight are very pleasing.
It's a good example of using the rule of thirds, without being a slave to "The Rules" :)
Thank you!
I must admit I only came closer to the rule of thirds with the help of a little cropping, as in the original frame the foreground tree runs right (!) through the middle. Ugh...
But I was quite a bit rushed (as I usually am whenever I take photos) and quickly had to take advantage of this light!
Thank you!
I must admit I only came closer to the rule of thirds with the help of a little cropping, as in the original frame the foreground tree runs right (!) through the middle. Ugh...
But I was quite a bit rushed (as I usually am whenever I take photos) and quickly had to take advantage of this light!

There's nothing wrong with doing a little cropping :)

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