my daughter and her rottweiler


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 15, 2011
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Texas (Hill Country)
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
out for a stroll :)

taken in harsh mid-day sun. Do her skin tones seem be off (too reddish) how do I adjust that (LR4)
iso 100; f3.2; 1/640


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The skin tones look OK to me. The might be a touch yellow or green, but they don't look too red, especially next to the red tones of the dog's coat. Are you viewing on a calibrated monitor?

Either way, the best way to adjust the color is to first shoot in Raw, then in LR, set the proper white balance (use the WB picker and click on something color neutral.

The images do seem to be missing something though, they are low on contrast. You could try a preset like 'Punch' (in Lightroom General Presets). Or just adjust the sliders in the basic section of the develop module.
Thanks Mike I will play with the contrast :) Not sure what it is about the skin, maybe its the light shadows from her glasses I am seeing. Idk :lol:
Love the last one! Great shot!
Agreed. Needs much more contrast. Very washed out.
You have great faith in the dog I wouldn't with a child that age
JSER said:
You have great faith in the dog I wouldn't with a child that age

I doubt she's really taking the dog for a walk.
She's a cutie. Last one is nice :)
I love the fact that you have a big "mean" dog with a little one. My sister in law has 2 pitbulls that LOVE LOVE LOVE my small girls. Pits and other big muscle dogs have such a bad wrap!

Cute shots!
KBM1016 said:
I love the fact that you have a big "mean" dog with a little one. My sister in law has 2 pitbulls that LOVE LOVE LOVE my small girls. Pits and other big muscle dogs have such a bad wrap!

Cute shots!

I have a pit and German shepherd that my daughter controls lol.
Agreed. Needs much more contrast. Very washed out.
thanks for the comments. the 'washed out' look was an artistic choice I made. I played with the curves to give it a matte effect. I suppose it doesn't appeal to everyone :)

You have great faith in the dog I wouldn't with a child that age
I was right there beside her and my dog is very good on a leash (I used to be a dog trainer). She is the best dog ever and I trust her completely around both my daughter and my baby boy.

She's a cutie. Last one is nice :)
thanks :D

I love the fact that you have a big "mean" dog with a little one. My sister in law has 2 pitbulls that LOVE LOVE LOVE my small girls. Pits and other big muscle dogs have such a bad wrap!

Cute shots!
the tough ones are always the best for loving, I trust a rott/pitt more than I do a chihuahua :lol:

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