My Eyes are f/1.4!!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 23, 2012
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So I just left the eye doctors for a checkup... It's been 3-4 years since my last one. My eyes are dilated and wowww, it's like my aperture is super wide. These lenses are at f/1.4 now if not faster. Also kinda interesting I can see color... It's kind of like chromatic aberration. I see purple on the edges of things. How neat is that?!

I was supposed to have my macro reverse ring by now, but for some reason it hasn't come in. What a shame - some macro of an eye dilated like this would be awesome.
Have you anywhere I can put a cf card?
It's sunny outside make sure you wear your ND filter.
Just FYI, the maximum F-stop of the human eye is around F2.1, although I'm sure it varies from person to person.
So the reverse ring did come today! Not soon enough to take a picture of my eye completely blacked out by the pupil, but it's still pretty big here!

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I did that few years ago, and it was pretty painful for me. I couldn't open eyes if there was even a small amount of light. So guess what ISO and aperture?
It took almost whole day for my eyes to settle again.
But, I wear contacts for 16 years and my eyes are much more sensitive then "normal" eyes would be
I did that few years ago, and it was pretty painful for me. I couldn't open eyes if there was even a small amount of light. So guess what ISO and aperture?
It took almost whole day for my eyes to settle again.
But, I wear contacts for 16 years and my eyes are much more sensitive then "normal" eyes would be

Believe it or not I used flash to get that picture. I was expecting my eyes to explode but it didn't really hurt at all!

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