My first attempt at Street Photography


TPF Noob!
Aug 17, 2014
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United Kingdom
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Hi all.
Here are a couple of shots from my first attempt at Street photography.
Looking for some (very!) gentle critique as it's my first attempt.
Thanks for looking!!


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Hi, in my opinon a good documentary image combines interesting or strong foreground mid and background elements. The first image doesn't quite achieve that but is on the way to achieving it.
The expression of the figure seems a random grab that misses the mark though.

The second image suggests more a story. The minimal, neutral setting works to a degree but the picture could benefit from another element - something - in the right-hand area which would give it another aspect. It's a little empty as it is with only the open-mouthed guy being guided by the other man to something unknown out of shot.
Good advice from Soup du Jour. Good choices of back grounds, I like them a lot. #1 the fact that the subject's eyes are closed kills it. #2 is much better but I'd say a little over exposed. Very good for a first attempt. Tip: Remember that you're shooting digital, it doesn't cost you anything except time! Take LOTS of shots, in both shots if you'd taken a burst of 3 or 4 you'd have stood a good chance of getting better facial expressions. :)
I like the second image. I don't mind the empty space because I think it complements the confused, almost vacant expression on the guy's face. Where's he going? Why is he so seemingly confused?
It's a mysteryyyy

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