My first BBW :)


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 3, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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All woman are beautiful, and all type of beauty and body should be celebrated.

She's a gorgeous mature full figure lady. I didn't photoshop her wrinkles, on purpose. She would be pretty much against it anyways.

Here's the first images of today photoshoot.

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I love the overall feeling to these shots; the clouds are a nice detail. I like the red tones you added to the shadows too, but I think if you toned it down a little it would have a greater effect on the image by showing more detail and depth in certain areas. When done with a heavy hand it causes the black tones to blend in together, causing certain areas to become indecipherable from each other. A good example would be her hair and hat; the added red tone takes detail away from her hair, and makes it blend in with the hat just a little too much in my opinion. Another example would be how it's causing the background on the right side of the first image to blend in with her shirt. I personally think those sort of color adjustments look best when they're done with a very subtle touch; too much and I think it begins to look like a gimmick. Just my personal opinion though.

In the second image, I'd like to see more of her profile; I think the hair covers too much of the side of her face.

I hope this is helpful. :)
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I love the overall feeling to these shots; the clouds are a nice detail. I like the red tones you added to the shadows too, but I think if you toned it down a little it would have a greater effect on the image by showing more detail and depth in certain areas. When done with a heavy hand it causes the black tones to blend in together, causing certain areas to become indecipherable from each other. A good example would be her hair and hat; the added red tone takes detail away from her hair, and makes it blend in with the hat just a little too much in my opinion. Another example would be how it's causing the background on the left side of the first image to blend in with her shirt. I personally think those sort of color adjustments look best when they're done with a very subtle touch; too much and I think it begins to look like a gimmick. Just my personal opinion though.

In the second image, I'd like to see more of her profile; I think the hair covers too much of the side of her face.

I hope this is helpful. :)


You're right, I actually used a gradient in ''superposition'' mode, i'm trying new things, new treatment, most of the time it's a ; what did I do, and sometimes it's a ; cool it's actually working.

But yeah your pointers were definitively helpful, thanks :)
I love the overall feeling to these shots; the clouds are a nice detail. I like the red tones you added to the shadows too, but I think if you toned it down a little it would have a greater effect on the image by showing more detail and depth in certain areas. When done with a heavy hand it causes the black tones to blend in together, causing certain areas to become indecipherable from each other. A good example would be her hair and hat; the added red tone takes detail away from her hair, and makes it blend in with the hat just a little too much in my opinion. Another example would be how it's causing the background on the left side of the first image to blend in with her shirt. I personally think those sort of color adjustments look best when they're done with a very subtle touch; too much and I think it begins to look like a gimmick. Just my personal opinion though.

In the second image, I'd like to see more of her profile; I think the hair covers too much of the side of her face.

I hope this is helpful. :)


You're right, I actually used a gradient in ''superposition'' mode, i'm trying new things, new treatment, most of the time it's a ; what did I do, and sometimes it's a ; cool it's actually working.

But yeah your pointers were definitively helpful, thanks :)
Have you tried using a selective color adjustment layer?

2: Choose "Selective Color"; this will create an adjustment layer that lets you play with the different colors in your photo. The great thing about adjustment layers is that they're non-destructive to the original photo (the background layer), and you can adjust the opacity of the layer so you can choose how much it actually affects the image on the layer below it.

3: Pick a color to affect.


5. Play with the sliders. I find it's best to slide each one back and forth until you get something you like.
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Oh I'll definitively give it a try! Thanks.
Oh I'll definitively give it a try! Thanks.
Remember to use a light hand. It's easy to get carried away with Selective Color.
Trust me, I used to get really carried away when I first learned this technique. Here's the proof:

Hahaha, I think I get carried away with every new tools to be honest, especially after a 3 hours sitting in front of a computer, seems like it's never adequate, never enough. But less is more.

I don't dislike your picture, I see what you mean tho. :)
Oh I'll definitively give it a try! Thanks.
Remember to use a light hand. It's easy to get carried away with Selective Color.
Trust me, I used to get really carried away when I first learned this technique. Here's the proof:

Hahaha, I think I get carried away with every new tools to be honest, especially after a 3 hours sitting in front of a computer, seems like it's never adequate, never enough. But less is more.

I don't dislike your picture, I see what you mean tho. :)
It takes a lot of restraint not to over edit, but eventually it becomes ingrained.
All woman are beautiful, and all type of beauty and body should be celebrated.

She's a gorgeous mature full figure lady. I didn't photoshop her wrinkles, on purpose. She would be pretty much against it anyways.

Here's the first images of today photoshoot.

View attachment 110713
I agree. Woman are just flat out beautiful. She is very sexy, you nailed that.

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Great photos! And Dan really gave a nice right up here!:clap:
Wrinkles? She's barely past adolescence! Very nice. :D
You might also hear this referred to as 'having the black point too high.'
I assuming that 'superposition' is 'overlay' in the French version of PS and that means that lights get lighter and darks get darker.
This image contrast starts to make her look a bit harsh; note the shadows under her chin.

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