My first shots, C & C


TPF Noob!
Jun 12, 2009
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Hendersonville, TN
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey everyone. I just picked up my Rebel XT this past Saturday. There's still so much to learn but here are a few shots of mine. I'm using the kit lens and have been shooting in RAW but none of these have been pp. Some C & C would be appreciated. Thanks!



All a nice start!

#1 looks underexposed to me.
#2 is a nice shot, but like noyze said...don't center your subject
#3 could be composed better.

keep on shootin'! :D
#1 - The white balance is off...image is way too cool and could be warmed up a bit. Like what you were trying to do but this shot doesn't work for me...maybe if you had gotten closer.

#2 - Interesting lighting, seems very soft. I like the desaturated look of this shot. Did you shoot this in the portrait orientation too? Would like to see that one. Did you shoot from a lower point of view?

#3 - Don't care for the framing on this one...too much of the dog has been cut off. For animals and people, focus on the eyes.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

1. This is one of the first shots I took. I still didn't know how to use the functions very well so the wb was not on the right setting. I've got it on auto now.. is this okay?

2. I was slightly aiming down taking this shot. I did not shoot in portrait but I can since it's right outside my apartment. I'll try shooting from a few different angles.

3. I'm definitely still working on my focusing skills. I noticed a lot of my pictures were off after looking through. I was trying to get the eyes.. my dog is spastic, little dogs have short attention spans :biggrin:

Thanks again for the tips.
1) looks like white balance is off.. the car has a tint of blue..

2) my favorite.. i like it just how it is.. having a subject in the middle is fine.. you dont always have to be off centered. just dont always have it in the middle..

3) i just dont like how the nose & head got cut out of the pic

all great pictures though.

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