My Great Horned Owlets are back! (on going update)


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 11, 2014
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Burns, KS, USA
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They are in the same nest as last year.
I checked the hollow in the tree that the Barred Owlet was living in last year, and didn't see anything. I hope they come back this year, and the Great Horned Owls didn't eat them!
The photos aren't great though, they mostly just document their growth. I need a 600mm lens, but I am sort the 10 grand to buy one. LOL


Nice what about the barn owls that were in your barn that was you right?
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Nice what about the barn owls that were in your barn that was you right?

There is still one that I know of hanging around the barn, but they are very hard to get photos of. It flies off if you get anywhere around there, and he doesn't fly well in daylight, so I don't like to spook him/her.
I need to try and get another shot one of these days, but there is no good way to get to the hayloft.
Nice what about the barn owls that were in your barn that was you right?

There is still one that I know of hanging around the barn, but they are very hard to get photos of. It flies off if you get anywhere around there, and he doesn't fly well in daylight, so I don't like to spook him/her.
I need to try and get another shot one of these days, but there is no good way to get to the hayloft.
Do you think that there might be a nesting pair around?
They are growing up fast!


Nice shots did you get closer this time?

Actual I was a little bit farther away, if you look at the first set then these, you will notice that you're not seeing as much of the bottom of the nest. As they are getting older they are standing up taller, and standing closer to the edge.
Both of these photos are a rather heavy crop.
He is now going out on a limb, and closer to the ground for a better shot! :)
I only saw the one, I hope the others are okay.
I also missed focus a little. :048:
Very cool. I guess they haven't flown yet? Would be cool if you catch their their first flight.

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