My Street Photography Journey (ongoing thread)

i've made my own lightroom presets. i use them more like tools than as complete looks of images. in other words, one is just for sharpening. another set of presets is just to add different amounts of a matte curve adjustment. another set is for a camera calibration adjustments. but i'll still do minor changes to the settings after i apply a preset or two.

That's what I do with my Topaz Studio 2. If say, I take a picture of something in the shade I can save the settings and anytime I take another pic of something in the shade I just use that saved setting and make minor adjustments, it saves me time.
You're coming along nicely. Have you thought about using any PS filters for the B&W pics?

I've tried both Lightroom presets, and the Fujifilm film simulations. The Lightroom ones seem to be too aggressive for my liking, but I really like the Acros film simulation in camera.

Great set, it always amazes me at what is out there if you take the time to look.

I'm not a big fan of LR presets anymore , I have a ton of both purchased and custom, but don't use them much. The problem with presets is they're to specific to a particular image, and create extra work in adjustments. Instead my workflow has changed to adjust an image to its best appearance out of camera, then apply a pleasing Profile. Profiles don't change anything in the Develop panel, and can be adjusted for opacity. Then it's back to the Develop Panel to add creative adjustments.

I've never played with Lightroom presets other than the ones it comes with, and they've always just seemed too aggressive for my liking. I really need to take the time to learn more about the new (since I learned LR anyway) color grading tools.

Understood. I use Topaz Studio 2 and it allows me to make adjustments to the strength of all presets. I like it a lot.
Just a single photo from a walk through Mt. Hope Cemetery. Absolutely not the best photo, but too creepy not to share. There were creepy dolls placed all over the cemetery, but this one against the grave of a young child from the 1800s really caught my attention.


Side note; I'm super excited to get back to this cemetery in the summer when the weather is nice. Golden hour and the huge number of runners and walkers that frequent the area will make for very interesting photos.
Just a single photo from a walk through Mt. Hope Cemetery. Absolutely not the best photo, but too creepy not to share. There were creepy dolls placed all over the cemetery, but this one against the grave of a young child from the 1800s really caught my attention.


Side note; I'm super excited to get back to this cemetery in the summer when the weather is nice. Golden hour and the huge number of runners and walkers that frequent the area will make for very interesting photos.

Yes, creepy! Wonder what the story is with the doll placement.
Just a single photo from a walk through Mt. Hope Cemetery. Absolutely not the best photo, but too creepy not to share. There were creepy dolls placed all over the cemetery, but this one against the grave of a young child from the 1800s really caught my attention.


Side note; I'm super excited to get back to this cemetery in the summer when the weather is nice. Golden hour and the huge number of runners and walkers that frequent the area will make for very interesting photos.

Yes, creepy! Wonder what the story is with the doll placement.

No idea! I found a few people online trying to figure it out, but no official answers. Seems that someone just did it to freak people out or something.

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