My wife hates her picture. Do you?


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Aug 8, 2009
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As usual, my wife hates the picture I took of her. I took this as a candid. She was hot, as it was 105* outside, and she was lifting up her hair to cool off. What do you think? I like it.


she looks great. I don't see a lot to hate. But the pose can be better :)
The pic looks good, except for the placement of her right arm. I think its takes away from the pic.
Yup...drop the right arm...she looks fine...her pose could be better, but she looks fine.
It was a candid. I didn't actually pose her. Thanks for the compliments.
The harsh shadows are not your friend. You obviously used an off camera flash since she is in the shade. Methinks it could've been toned down a bit. The crop at the knee joints are not the best idea. Above or below a joint but not AT a joint. Pose is mediocre..... a cell phone in hand would give context.

The BW conversion is very neutral...... missing the contrast. The blown out water competes from the subject IMO.
Pose is a bit off I think, but I don't hate it. Just would of done it a bit differently
Does everyone pose their candid subjects?
The flash was on the hotshoe.
The flash was on the hotshoe.
My bad... now I get it. The shadows looked to be 30 to 45° camera left. If you had the hot shoe flash mounted and turned the camera in portrait orientation, a similar result can be had.
Yes, I had it tilted slightly up and away.
I like the first image, but would have liked to have seen more context to the right of her. Nice image and pretty wife :)
I agree with the rest of them. If her right arm was lowered itd be a really great shot. Its not horrible. The right arm is just... in the way lol.

Nothing to hate... very pretty lady :) I like the B&W version better for this shot.

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