Need 2 new lens, my first ones


TPF Noob!
Jul 26, 2009
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Montreal, QC
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Hello everyone,

I bought and started to use from Friday the Canon Rebel T1i and so far I love it.

I started to buy gears ( tripod, batteries supp., bag, etc..).

Where I need your advices for my first real investment is for the lens.

I need 2.

1- One lens for macro... ( like flowers, insects )

2- One lens for wilderness, like birds or things distant...)

I would like good result and im looking for good starter, I know sky is the limits when you shop for lens.

Thx for you time and advices!

Do you have a budget? There are some very nice super-telephoto lenses that run to five figures.:drool:

Take a look at the EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM. Here are a couple of reviews:
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro Test Report / Review
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro Lens Review

The EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM is a popular lens for wildlife. Here are a couple of reviews:
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 USM L IS - Test Report / Review
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens Review

If you're looking for a cheap telephoto zoom lens, the EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS costs only about $225. Here are a couple of reviews:
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS - Retest @ 15mp / Review
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens Review
Je te suggere d'apprendre ton equipment que tu as presentement pour quel-que semains de plus.

Once that is down, buy a lens based on your needs and likes... a few days is hardly much time to get to know your own gear, much less you needs. :)

Also, I am always one to suggest waiting and saving a little longer for a lens better than average setup (low end lenses are.. well... low end for a good reason).
Merci Jerry,

J'avais pris un peu d'avance en lisant sur l'appareil et j'ai 2 dvd.

Mon oncle est photographe et je vais passer du temps avec lui pour reapprendre ce que j'ai oublie. Mais je suis d'accord avec toi, tu as un bon point.

Bon, si on va parler français... :lol:

Je n'ajoute qu'une chose à ce que Jerry a déjà dit. Il est important d'avoir les objectifs correct pour faire le boulot et ceci ne sont pas donnés. Alors decide si tu veux commencer avec du macro ou des animaux. Economises ton argent pour le premier objectif que tu veux. Une fois que tu as acheté celui-ci économises pour le deuxième.

La patience est très importante pour la photo d'animaux et elle l'est aussi pour l'achat d'objectifs.
Merci Jerry,

J'avais pris un peu d'avance en lisant sur l'appareil et j'ai 2 dvd.

Mon oncle est photographe et je vais passer du temps avec lui pour reapprendre ce que j'ai oublie. Mais je suis d'accord avec toi, tu as un bon point.

He mentions that he's started to read about his equipment and he has 2 DVDs, also that his uncle is a photographer and he will spend time with him.

I think thats great that someone has access to to a family member in the field... great way to learn. :)
Merci Jerry,

J'avais pris un peu d'avance en lisant sur l'appareil et j'ai 2 dvd.

Mon oncle est photographe et je vais passer du temps avec lui pour reapprendre ce que j'ai oublie. Mais je suis d'accord avec toi, tu as un bon point.

He mentions that he's started to read about his equipment and he has 2 DVDs, also that his uncle is a photographer and he will spend time with him.

I think thats great that someone has access to to a family member in the field... great way to learn. :)

You mean not everyone here speaks french :lmao:
Thank you all! Merci à tous! :)

About the lens, its just that I want to jump in the car, ride, and stop when I see something nice to shoot. 18-55mm is ok for now, but still.

I like to plan in advance what i will buy, it motivate me :) I can shop, read alot, ask others, read reviews and boards. That, cost nothing :)

Once I'll know wich lens to buy, ill print it and post it on my wall. Motivation :)

Thx again all for you time and help, much appreciated!

P.S. Merci pour ceux qui parlent francais :)
You mean not everyone here speaks french :lmao:

That's not the worst of it... the amount Czech, German or Russian around here sucks! :lmao:

I did a minor translation for those who did not catch it... it was just a small matter of a minor to courtesy that I extended. Trust me, his englsh is better than my french. :)
I did a minor translation for those who did not catch it... it was just a small matter of a minor to courtesy that I extended. Trust me, his englsh is better than my french. :)

Not to mention you were the one who started the french :lmao:
Bon, si on va parler français... :lol:

Je n'ajoute qu'une chose à ce que Jerry a déjà dit. Il est important d'avoir les objectifs correct pour faire le boulot et ceci ne sont pas donnés. Alors decide si tu veux commencer avec du macro ou des animaux. Economises ton argent pour le premier objectif que tu veux. Une fois que tu as acheté celui-ci économises pour le deuxième.

La patience est très importante pour la photo d'animaux et elle l'est aussi pour l'achat d'objectifs.

I totally agree. Determining which lens your "REALLY" need first is a good idea.
Though there are lenses that can give you the best of both worlds.
One lens I have used that was great for the money was the Sigma 70-300

Sigma | 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro Autofocus Lens | 508101

It has a good range, good glass, good build, and it is a macro lens. I would highly suggest this lens for what you need. It is very sharp(for the price respectively) and at 209 it is a great price.
I used it for a while and was very happy with the quality.



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Bon, si on va parler français... :lol:

Je n'ajoute qu'une chose à ce que Jerry a déjà dit. Il est important d'avoir les objectifs correct pour faire le boulot et ceci ne sont pas donnés. Alors decide si tu veux commencer avec du macro ou des animaux. Economises ton argent pour le premier objectif que tu veux. Une fois que tu as acheté celui-ci économises pour le deuxième.

La patience est très importante pour la photo d'animaux et elle l'est aussi pour l'achat d'objectifs.

Parlez-vous du francais? Votre grammaire est tres mauvaise!
Bon essayer bien que mon ami!


Mine is not perfect and it has been awhile but I still got it! all those trips to Canuk vil finally paid off. LOL

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