Need HELP/suggestion: buying my new DSLR camera


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2010
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im buying my new DSLR camera so help me choose which one should i get. Should i go for the Canon 550D or Nikkon 3100?
Yes, the Nikon.

Canon uses so many names for each camera I had to look to see the 550D is known as the EOS Rebel T2i here in the US.

Canon produced the T2i (EOS 550D, EOS Kiss X4) in response to the record breaking popularity of Nikon's D90, since their EOS Rebel T1i (EOS 500D, EOS Kiss X3) was getting seriously spanked, sales wise, by the D90.

You are comparing cameras at different levels in each makers respective lineups. The D3100 is significantly less expensive than the 500D, yet has pretty much the same overall performance and image quality. the D3100 does have slightly more useful low-light/high ISO performance, but is almost 1 fps slower than the 500D.

At least by buying the D3100 you would have a couple of hundred extra dollars for: a camera bag, memory cards, a flash unit, etc.

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