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need help with a room


TPF Noob!
Jun 24, 2009
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columbus ohio
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How would i shoot this room there is going to be a wedding here and i would like to know how to shoot this room the lighting in the room is about all i am going to get and that is what they want in the room.

I will have a d40 with 18-55 lens and 55-200 lens also i have a uv and diffuser filters and i will have my tripod.

I guess what settings should have the d40 on.

these were shot with my sony h10

any help would be great thanks again




That going to be a tough one for a d40 without an external flash. I would set it to shoot at ISO 400 and try to keep your f/stop as low as possible allowing more maximum light transmission. Without an external flash it will be next to impossible. You will get pictures that are grainier than you can imagine and will not be usable. Sorry mate
if you have time before the wedding, i would definitely try to get my hands on an external flash and some faster glass, (either rent, borrow, or buy). then maybe you could go back and shoot around until you're really comfortable with the settings.
This could be managed with judicious use of bounce flash. The more powerful it is, the better. Faster glass will only make things easier for you.
what exactly do you guys mean by "faster glass" like what should i look for?
what exactly do you guys mean by "faster glass" like what should i look for?

Fast glass = low fstop (thus larger appeture and faster shutter speed), something like 2.8, generally "pro" glass.
If there is going to be a hired pro, do not do anything that will interfere with them doing their job,.. like your flash in their pictures. If there is no pro, then do as the others have said.
I'm (maybe more than) a bit biased, but one very good option for questionable lighting conditions is to rent something like a Canon 5D-II, which will perform amazingly well under that light.
^^ I was going to suggest the D700. He already shoots Nikon, so the menu and controls will be easier to grasp.

Don't forget the glass.... top shelf btw.
If there is going to be a hired pro, do not do anything that will interfere with them doing their job,.. like your flash in their pictures. If there is no pro, then do as the others have said.

I am the one doing the wedding its my first wedding, i shoot mainly automobiles before and its for a friend.
Umm I would tell them that their result may vary (meaning some not so good). I say this because a D40 w/ no external flash and a kit lens isn't going to cut it... Rent a better lens or borrow. Are you being payed?
Like everyone has said from the looks of this it isnt going to be good. D40 and Variable Aperture Glass just isnt going to cut it.

Like other have said the external flash will help with your current setup but it adds a challenge if youve never used it before.

1.8 50mm or something 2.8 will make things a lot easier.

Is renting a D700 an option?
The kit you have really isn't enough to get reliable shots in a situation like that. If you were someone who is very very good, then you could probably come away with a decent amount of usable shots, but with some of the questions you're asking, I take it you somewhat of a beginner. I would say at the very least, you owe it to your friend to tell him that you don't have what it take equipments-wise and/or experience wise to guarantee him great shots of his wedding day, just so he is aware of the situation. If he is still fine with that, then rent/buy what you can, and do the best job that you can do. But as his friend, I think you should make sure he knows that the images might not be everything he expected.

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