New B Joel

Joel F

TPF Noob!
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Schenectady New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi everyone Im new to this and forums all together. I love photography and want to post some of my photos in the future and get some constructive critique. I just got a Nikon D5000 so far I love the camera but I want to take good pictures with the camera. Hope to find some friendly people that are willing to teach. Joel From Upstate New York.
Welcome to TPF, Joel. We look forward to seeing some images :)
Hello Ian trying to up load some pictures but I think they are too large what can I use to compress them? Also I m very new to using forums so I hope you got this message. Thank appreciate any help. Joel;)
I use Photoshop to save images in reasonable size for the web. Most editing programs have this ability, I believe. I also believe that image hosting sites (such as photobucket) will let you edit size of images.

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