New Schtuff


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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Piddled away more money today.

Since I pissed away so much money on a silly flying camera, I thought it only fair I should get a tablet that my old-geezer eyes can see easier.


MUCH better than using my Samsun S5!
Since I pissed away so much money on a silly flying camera, I thought it only fair I should get a tablet that my old-geezer eyes can see easier.


MUCH better than using my Samsun S5!

That's cause you bought a Samsun and not a SamsunG! Classic mistake [emoji23][emoji23]

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That's cause you bought a Samsun and not a SamsunG! Classic mistake [emoji23][emoji23]

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I wouldn't have minded a Samsung but 1. It was $125 more and 2. Over at there's several who have experienced choppy video links and 10-second delays in capturing stills/starting video recording. No one reported any issues with the Acer.

Already went out and took the whole rig out for a test flight. Flew out 1500' in one direction and 1000' in the other. So I logged almost a mile with no glitches. And the MUCH-larger screen was wonderful. The controls are a bit more spread out so I don't hit the wrong spot as much.

Since this will be pretty much dedicated to flying, I was happy with saving $125. Now I have $125 to piss away on something else.

Like bacon.

No my friend, you misinterpret. I was simply poking fun at your original letter omission... [emoji6]

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No, my phone has the G on it. My computer, however, can't spell.

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