
TPF Noob!
Sep 8, 2016
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I'm new to this forum and thought I'd post a recent shoot to get some feedback from you guys! I shoot with a Canon EOS 6D and these were taken with a Sigma 85mm and 28mm. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

IMG_0690.jpg IMG_0724.jpg IMG_0595.jpg IMG_0778.jpg
I personally refer the first. I think the posing and composition are good and of the set it seems to be the one closest to true color. The others have a very magenta cast to them, and in the second image parts of his face actually look like they are fire-engine red. In general, I do like your composition over all and you are leading the viewer around the image quite well. But, I think your handling of the white balance needs some work. In the third image it's like there is a magenta wash over the whole thing.
1. Up-the-nose shots are rarely flattering to the subject.
2. It would amaze us with what just a hint of additional lighting would make. Great leading lines nonetheless.
3. Personally, not really a fan of tilted framing.
4, Excellent concept, questionable choice of focal length. His hand is huge in the frame compared to his head. Moving further away from the subject and using a longer focal length would help minimize the optical confusion.
Welcome to the forum!

What they said ^. with the addition: interesting shots, I'll look forward to seeing more of your work. :D
Welcome to TPF! :)

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