Newbie to the DSLR


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Bean Town
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Trying out my Canon. I know i'm not good at this so comment if you want.


No one starts out good; everyone here was, at one point, right where you are now. Keep practicing, post and ask lots of questions. :thumbup:
the gun shot is pretty nice. im not a fan of guns but looks clean good lighting. better than i was when i bought my camera
That's a 1911 man....... why isn't it cocked and locked for that photo?!?

I thought there was some sort of law about that.........

1 is ok.

We have a lot of those laying around in the norf part of my town.
Don't worry it was unloaded and checked more then a few times.:lmao:
Lighting looks good in #1 - I would suggest cropping #2 a bit as it seems there is a bit of dead space. it's probably more of a preference thing but to me, it would add more interest by cropping and I would focus more on her expression as a viewer of the photo.
Thanks I'll keep that in mind next time.
I noticed your water mark says Split Sec Studio, did you buy this camera and immediately start a studio?

Also speaking of water mark, try and make one that is the same color/shape for every picture, I have yet to make one that I am happy with!
I noticed your water mark says Split Sec Studio, did you buy this camera and immediately start a studio?

Also speaking of water mark, try and make one that is the same color/shape for every picture, I have yet to make one that I am happy with!

I just made the logo for fun.

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