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TPF Noob!
Sep 27, 2010
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Ok guys, I know you've gotten these questions a million times but I would appreciate some digital the way to go these days? And if it is, how/where do you get your prints? Cheapest camera that is any good? Suggested books? Thanks for putting up with us beginners....:blushing:
Welcome. Digital is certainly the most common way to go, and definitely what I would recommend for someone new to photography. You can get prints almost anywhere; Wal-mart, Costco and other large 'big-box' stores do a very reasonable job of printing at a very modest price point. For high-quality exhibition or archival work, there are specialty labs (with specialty prices) in almost every large city; check your Yellow Pages for specifics.

As far as the oft-asked "Which camera", there are several pieces of information that you have to provide first (and even then, the answer will be "it depends"): Do you want a DSLR, bridge, or point & shoot type camera? What is your budget? What are your goals?

I would recommend getting a DSLR body around $800-1200 for your first one if you can afford it.

As I am recommending to everyone asking this question lately, the Nikon D7000 is a really nice body. It hasn't actually been released yet, but its worth waiting until it is.

The only other option I would consider for under $2000 if I was starting out all over again is the Canon 7D (which I already own btw).

The extra money ($300) could be used to fund 3/4 of what a nice fast Nikon prime costs like the 50mm 1.4G though.

So on a tight budget I would go Nikon and get the D7000, because its just so damn sexy for the $$$.

If money is no object though...well then check out my thread "If you could have any camera body, what would it be?"

Hope this helps...
While I feel like Neil has raised some good points and suggestions, I think it might behoove you to place a smaller investment in the camera body you are purchasing, and perhaps gear more of your spending towards glass. Lenses will hold their value much better than camera bodies, and you will get a better return on the investment (if you keep them well maintained).

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