Night shot out my door


TPF Noob!
Dec 31, 2008
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Albert Lea, MN
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Night shot I took right outside my front door. I'm definitely still learning. Feedback is welcomed!

First, thanks for posting! There's always more to learn... I still get a bit nervous about posting for critiques, and I've done it plenty...

OK, onto the C&C: The long exposure is neat. But, I don't see any particular subject for the photo -- the tree? The street? There's a lot going on here. I find that often long exposures lend themselves to the "neato, it's a long exposure!" effect, which makes people forget their basics. :)

Not trying to be harsh -- it seems like you've got the technical side down pat. Now you just need to change your composition a bit!
thanks! I agree, I'm not sure what the subject is besides - "what I see out my front door". Thanks for the input!
Yes, right: it is "just" the view out of your front door... but it now makes me curious (and you maybe more adventurous?) and I wish that next time you actually walk those few steps to the corner and look from there!?!?! C'mon. Take us there! ;)

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