Not so senior senior shoot.


TPF Noob!
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hermitage, PA
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So I have my first senior shoot on Sunday and have been looking for nice places to shoot in. This was taken in a cemetery.

I'm also trying to get the hang of my new 430EX II and bouncing it. I am loving it so far!

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Nice shot! Cute kid, too.

I noticed the sky is blown out. But, oddly enough, it works for me. We'll have to see what others think. You did a good job with the fill light. It's very natural looking.

Awww. The cutest "senior" ever! :D :lovey:

Isn't it nice of her to come along and check out locations with you - AND pose for you so you can test your new 430EXII?

And, indeed, that bit of blown sky in the background doesn't matter at all. It all looks really natural!
Great balance of flash and daylight Jason. I have been impressed with how much effort you've been putting in to your shoots lately. It looks like you are really on a major upward trajectory with your off-camera lighting skills and your results, and your work overall is getting better and better-fast! Way to go man! Oh, and congratulations on selecting the correct camera orientation for THAT specific location: the tall arches in the background virtually demand a vertical camera orientation to make visual sense out of the scene.
Thank you all so much... I have been working hard and putting a lot of hours into learning all that I can. My camera bag is my security blanket and is never far from my side. The sky was blown out and I wasn't sure what to do with it. It was so overcast today and the sky was light gray and very bright.

Here are a few more from today.



4. The small sliver of bright sky is killing me in this one... Forgot to remove it in pp. This shoot, btw, was the first time I didn't have to do anything with the exposure in pp. All that I did in these were minor crops and add a bit of vibrant to help the colors pop.
Awww, I'm sure no true senior can compete with THIS model of yours!!!
I'd love to know what you use to bounce the flash off outdoors.
I'd love to know what you use to bounce the flash off outdoors.

White board that my wife is holding.

Have you also looked at the shoot through umbrella and/or a soft box as well? Your pics are very well done and always enjoy them. I hope you do really well in your shots. I'm anxious to see them. Very cute kid btw! :thumbup:
Have you also looked at the shoot through umbrella and/or a soft box as well? Your pics are very well done and always enjoy them. I hope you do really well in your shots. I'm anxious to see them. Very cute kid btw! :thumbup:

Ya, I need to get a trigger and get the 430 off camera first. I use shoot through umbrellas with my hot lights. see setup here.

"All in the family" ;)

You better hope she doesn't start charging you soon. :mrgreen:

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