Nothing better than a little light housework


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 9, 2006
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Well for me at least. Doing the first housework I have done in two weeks. Not from laziness, but necessity. For the past 15 years or so I have lived with an abdominal hernia. As a working stiff I never seemed to have time to get it taken care of.

Now that I am retired I had it repaired a couple of weeks ago. My surgeon, the offspring of the Marquis de Sade, was in for a surprise when he did the robotic repair. The thumb size hernia he believed he was repairing was actually more like a big hand size complete with finger hernias. I got my money's worth along with one big sheet of surgical mess.

Needless to say at just 62 I did not expect that the recovery process would be as long nor as painful. It took me two full days just to get the strength to be able to push myself up right in bed so I could stand on my own. Today is the first day that I have little to no discomfort standing and moving around.

I still can't lift anything heavier than 20lbs for a few more weeks or do strenuous activities but pushing a vacuum cleaner around and dusting at this point is good and feels good. On the bright side I have lost 31 lbs so far preparing for the surgery and another 5 since. On the down side I did it by exercising at the closest YMCA, which I got to enjoy doing in the mornings. Sadly I am not allowed to exercise there for a few more weeks either and fear that I will be starting from scratch when I can. But for now the Dyson is calling and the floors are awaiting. :allteeth:
Good to hear that they have patched you up, finally. Please, do take it steady, and easy, and do not over-exert yourself and set yourself back!
Feel free to vacuum over here when you're done at your place. I'll sacrifice my vacuuming time to your recovery.
Feel free to vacuum over here when you're done at your place. I'll sacrifice my vacuuming time to your recovery.
Be glad to. Just one thing, You have to carry the vacuum over there for me. It's above my weight limit for picking up. Fortunately we have the Dyson for the main floor and an older Kirby in the lower level so I didn't have to pick anything up, just push them around. I am pooped though.
Speedy recovery.

Thanks all, I'm getting there. Even have dinner ready. But then it was an easy dinner to make. Torta di pasta Surprisingly delicious. My only concession to the recipe is to add some fresh chopped basil. Cooling now as the flavors intensify as it comes to room temp.
Ouch! But glad to hear you're on the mend. Take it steady and slow and follow the doctors advice :)

My dad had an ulcer earlier this year and also suffered the total loss of strength and quick fatigue brought on by not eating much. But he's back up to strength now - but yes it takes time. Be sure you keep an eye on ebay and Amazon for discounts on big DVD boxed sets and the like because regular TV gets boring very quickly if you're trapped without much to do (and he certainly found reading difficult to concentrate on when one is not feeling well).
What will really make me happy is when I can take a bath again. Showers are fine, but we didn't buy this house with a whirl pool tub in the master bath just to look at it. :dispirited: It can take lots of aches and pains away.
Glad you're on the mend, but you do realize that dust left till tomorrow will not spoil, it may multiply, but never spoil!
Yeah but it gets me up and moving. That is the important thing. I could sit around playing the hurting patient, or I can get up, move around and work those pains out now so I do.
So glad you had that taken care of. Try to rest some and recuperate.

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In fairness to my surgeon, The Marquis de Sade, he is an outstanding surgeon, just a bad judge of hernia size. Due to the size he had to widen the main incision, add a 4th incision to insert another robotic arm and generally beat me up pretty well. At least I can say that he earned his money from me, or in this case my insurance company. :biggrin-93:

He laughed when I saw him last Thursday for a follow up. I called him Marquis de Sade when I saw him. He laughed and proceed to advise that he could have done a lot worse if he hadn't liked me as well as he did. I'm sure he was right, as he could have pulled the da Vinci machine out and proceed with the old fashioned way.
Well for me at least. Doing the first housework I have done in two weeks. Not from laziness, but necessity. For the past 15 years or so I have lived with an abdominal hernia. As a working stiff I never seemed to have time to get it taken care of.

Now that I am retired I had it repaired a couple of weeks ago. My surgeon, the offspring of the Marquis de Sade, was in for a surprise when he did the robotic repair. The thumb size hernia he believed he was repairing was actually more like a big hand size complete with finger hernias. I got my money's worth along with one big sheet of surgical mess.

Needless to say at just 62 I did not expect that the recovery process would be as long nor as painful. It took me two full days just to get the strength to be able to push myself up right in bed so I could stand on my own. Today is the first day that I have little to no discomfort standing and moving around.

I still can't lift anything heavier than 20lbs for a few more weeks or do strenuous activities but pushing a vacuum cleaner around and dusting at this point is good and feels good. On the bright side I have lost 31 lbs so far preparing for the surgery and another 5 since. On the down side I did it by exercising at the closest YMCA, which I got to enjoy doing in the mornings. Sadly I am not allowed to exercise there for a few more weeks either and fear that I will be starting from scratch when I can. But for now the Dyson is calling and the floors are awaiting. :allteeth:
Don't rush it. The gym will be there, and so will the vacuum cleaner.
Glad to hear your getting better. I have had several of those and and have one again. I'm like you, putting it off as other issues have got in the way. I

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