Old, rusty digger


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 29, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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Why, thank you :)
Those are some excellent HDR. Great subject matter too. Kinda like an old dinosaur feeding. I love that stuff.
My dad just mentioned this old digger he saw, and thought it would make a great subject. So he showed me where it was. I drove out the next day to take a look and take some shots. I want to go back in different lighting. I liked your dinosaur metaphor!
Nice! I am just starting to try HDR. Tried a few and the did not turn out well. Now I am ready a lot about it. I like #3! Good job!
Oh, man, I am completely diggin' these.

That first two are money...
Jackpot, Anders! These are great. A little distortion on the clouds in each, and a tilted horizon in #3, but otherwise splendid work and great application of PP. :)
These are outstanding!! Great shots, great editing and very cool subject matter. :thumbup:
Thanks for the kind words!

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